Missing Dog Returns Home on Christmas Eve and Shocks Family By Ringing Doorbell – IOTW Report

Missing Dog Returns Home on Christmas Eve and Shocks Family By Ringing Doorbell

Athena disappeared from her Florida home on Dec. 15 and had her family worried they would spend the holidays without their beloved pet.

9 Comments on Missing Dog Returns Home on Christmas Eve and Shocks Family By Ringing Doorbell

  1. My Dalmation would go away for a few days then come back. It was always odd, damn the dog came back and yet I always thought she just came back for food. We did get along, she just had wondering bones.

  2. We had a cat that would knock at the door by hitting it with her rump. Of course she’d wait until everyone was in bed and the lights were out, then you’d hear thump, thump, thump until you let her in.

  3. A little off topic, but my Dad would tell the story about Henry the cat. Before I was born they had a orange Tom (that actually adopted them) that they would feed when he was hanging around. Its favorite thing to do was to roam the neighborhood and get into fights. After a few weeks he would show up to the house all bloody and banged up. They would take him to the Vet and get him patched up and bring him home. After taking a few days of recovery he’d disappear back into the neighborhood and do it all over again. Then he’d show up yowling to be let in, they would patch him up and take care of him for a few days and so on and so forth it went until finally he never came home again.

  4. We had a free-range male beagle mixed mutt named Jones when I was a kid back in the 60’s until the early 70’s who was always out and about roaming the neighborhood when we were outside playing. He must’ve been quite the Romeo because for years afterwards I would see lots of dogs that looked just like him.

  5. geoff – that reminds me… 20+ years ago there was a class picture of a group of second graders where they shopped the face of Bill Clinton on every one of them!


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