Mmm… 33 Year Old Ham & Chicken Loaf – IOTW Report

Mmm… 33 Year Old Ham & Chicken Loaf

Check out this perfectly preserved 33 year old MRE! The Meal Ready to Eat was first put into major production in 1981 – this classic 1st generation Meal, Ready to Eat should have been spoiled over a decade ago. It’s storage conditions had to be absolutely strict and consistent these last 3 decades. Never thought I would finish an entire MRE from 1984.

14 Comments on Mmm… 33 Year Old Ham & Chicken Loaf

  1. 8-track flash back!
    I had my first MRE at Ft. Irwin, CA in 1983. It was a strange departure from the C-Rations which had been the staple meal since…. forever! Some menus had a freeze dried meat patty which was inedible without boiled water poured into the pouch. Dried fruit needed water poured in also but took longer to re-hydrate since you wouldn’t want hot water used for that.

  2. While in training in Colorado, we had a choice of halibut or lobster (or both) every Friday for dinner — in the chow hall. That’s as close as I ever got to an MRE.

    Go Air Force!

    (Best damn seafood in all of Colorado in the 70s.)

    haaha! I still refer to household items, clothing, etc. as “xxxx, one each.”


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