Moronic Members Of Michigan City Council Take Knee During Pledge of Allegiance – IOTW Report

Moronic Members Of Michigan City Council Take Knee During Pledge of Allegiance

This is moronic for a couple of reasons.

The original idiotic protest was for the Anthem, now it has extended into the Pledge. I guess this means they do not have an allegiance with our flag.

Will future morons be taking a knee for every civic endeavor? How about when taking an oath to be a juror? Or when they are sworn into their political positions?

What makes this truly moronic is that what they are protesting will never be remedied, because their grievances are not rooted in any state sanctioned racism, because there isn’t any.

So, these idiots will be taking a knee forever.

Sort of like having a “Keep On Truckin'” tattoo.

ht/ annie



33 Comments on Moronic Members Of Michigan City Council Take Knee During Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Given that 30% of the population is “African American”,the “right” thing for them to do to show solidarity or equality or whatever would be for at least three of them to resign, but sure kneel instead you hypocrites.

  2. Quite frankly I don’t think any one kneeling in protest in any setting today has a clue what they’re against or why.
    My parents always instructed us to Be a leader not a follower.

  3. All I see with these ‘protests’ are slaves kneeling before their masters. Or if you are of a religious bent, asking for forgiveness for being stupid assholes.

    ‘Taking a Knee’? What a fucking STUPID concept of protest! SERIOUSLY? These nitwits are beyond dull witted.

  4. @aleon October 18, 2017 at 4:46 pm

    That line was drawn in ink, decades ago — when the government wrote that it’s people needed union contracts to protect them from the whims of the people.

  5. What are these morons protesting? Police brutality towards minorities? These are city council members – they control the municipal police department. These are the folks in charge of fixing whatever seems to be wrong.

    Taking a knee in a meeting room is uber stupid anyhow. This isn’t an athletic contest – this is some sort of civic function. There are chairs; if you don’t want to recite the pledge of allegiance, just sit down and be quiet. Football players take a knee because there isn’t anywhere to sit. Yes, there are benches on NFL sidelines, and if you look there are player/protesters sitting on them during the national anthem.

  6. You know who got it right? South Park – in their first episode back in September.
    Of last year.

    The Left continues with these displays for one reason only: They are getting a reaction. Ignore them. Or ask them to explain their basis. But don’t fret about the fact that a bunch of our citizens (and friends) are ideological idiots.

  7. *knock* on the door yesterday,
    “Hi sir, I’m with the democrat party here to..”
    I cut him off, “I don’t like democrats.”
    He turned around and left without saying another word.

    It felt good to tell him off. But I got to thinking it would have been hilarious to protest his words by taking a knee. Bonus points to lift shirt above weapon while bending down.

  8. Just got a report that two veteran pilots of the New Orleans Saints Boeing 737 left the cockpit, took a knee and deplaned. Leaving the millionaire thugs stranded for the night. Urrraaagghhh. Phuck y’all.

  9. Okay you fellow Michiganders, I’ve got two takers on meeting up, any other’s interested please
    contact BigFurHat for the smell test. Looking forward to meeting my fellow mittens!

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