Muslim Holiday Falls on Same Date as 9/11 – IOTW Report

Muslim Holiday Falls on Same Date as 9/11


DML: The holy Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha falls on the same date as the 15th anniversary of 9/11 this year, and American Muslims are voicing their concerns on social media that backlash against them may ensue. Their claim is that Islamophobic resentment may turn into violence against Muslims celebrating their holiday on the same day al-Qaeda attacked the Twin Towers and killed thousands of American lives fifteen years ago.

Millions of Muslims across the world will participate in the ‘feast of sacrifice,’ but their fear is that people could misinterpret the festivities as a celebration of the attacks. The president of the Islamic Center of Long Island, Habeeb Ahmed, told the New York Times that non-Muslim Americans will take it the wrong way.


27 Comments on Muslim Holiday Falls on Same Date as 9/11

  1. This year’s Eid al adha holiday, which nobody ever heard of before now, will be ostentatiously celebrated with fireworks and street parties. We so need more of these people here.

  2. The western world doesn’t know about this feast because muslims celebrate the sacrifice of the Abraham’s other son, by Hagar, Ishmael. They’ve perverted the story of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac and put Ishmael in his place. Further, they look to the moon for the date(s) and the ram is a central figure in their myth. Ancestors of Howard Zinn must have been muslim.

  3. Lol! The other day the local patch news had an article about the top 25 hate groups in Illinois, assembled by none other than the hate group know as SPLC.

    2 identified had underpinnings to the KKK supposedly. However there were 5-6 groups identified with the word Islam in their name.

    Go ahead, tell me Islam is a religion of peace.

  4. I’d like to see some backlash. As it is, we get all these officials telling us ” we don’t know what is behind (insert latest terrorist activity here), but it has nothing to do with Islam.”

  5. And Obama will allow another 10,000 islamic refugees to enter the US….but no despair, he’s allowing .01% Christians to enter who are being eradicated by the very same people Obama funds, arms and supports, islamic terrorists.

  6. Lets not disappoint these frightened moslems this year. Lets give the motherfuckers a fucking backlash that they will never forget. Maybe they will learn to shut the fuck up about the fake backlash bullshit.

    Fucking sorry about the damn cussing. We hear this shit every year. Their welcome was worn out a long time ago.

  7. This is the mooselimb holiday that they celebrate with animal sacrifice. Animal. Sacrifice. These 7th century barbarians still have fucked up voodoo animal sacrifice. They slit an animal’s throat, watch it bleed to death and get orgasmic with bloodlust. Their pleasure will be greatly enhanced this year because they can openly celebrate 9/11 under the guise celebrating their own evil holiday.

  8. The intellectual giant Guy Ferrari was doing his show, it was about a Muslim owned place.
    The retard looks at the camera and says:
    “Halal, that’s the humane way to slaughter an animal.”
    Cutting an animals throat while it is fully aware and letting it exsanguinate is ‘humane’?
    Who knew? Hell, lets dispatch murderers like that, I’m in.

  9. I’m not Muslim, but I wish no backlash on them as they celebrate a holiday that has been a part of their religion since before 9/11 occurred. Just because it falls on the 15th anniversary doesn’t mean they’re celebrating what a few extremists have done. Islam is not a religion that promotes violence. It’s the skewed view and interpretation of the religion that creates extremists and makes them believe what they are doing is according to their religion. Christianity is used in the same way today. There may not be as many cases, but there are Christian extremists that exist. They interpret the Bible in a way that seems to make their decisions “right”. People are people. Take the plank out of your own eye before pointing out the splinter in another’s. I worry for those who fear non-Muslim Americans. It isn’t fair. That is all.

  10. Sir Benjamin, islam is not a religion, it is a political ideology, a violent death cult that was founded by a murdering pedophile.
    Try reading the koran and hadiths before you go comparing it to Christianity. There is no comparison — it is the exact opposite.

    I’m guessing your religion is atheism? Always sticking up for the wicked.

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