My First Lady Looks TOO GOOD According to Leftists – IOTW Report

My First Lady Looks TOO GOOD According to Leftists

Breitbart took notice of the smashingly classy Gucci dress the first lady chose for the flight to Britain (a green and orange print dress of London icons). Here

It was the outfit the first lady wore to Buckingham Palace to meet the queen, however that was the real show stopper. Here

Some are sniffing in disapproval, declaring Melania committed some kind of faux pas by making the Duchess of Cornwall (Camilla) look like Monty Python in drag in comparison. More 

25 Comments on My First Lady Looks TOO GOOD According to Leftists

  1. I thought the left hated Camilla with a burning passion. Glad to see they’re so concerned about her feelings and royal etiquette all of a sudden. Maybe Camilla will get a few airbrushed magazine covers for being so humiliated by that evil Melania.

  2. Why do English women have such bad posture? They look all frumpled and worried. (Kate Middleton is the only exception that I’ve seen lately.) Our First Lady carries herself straight out of the Victorian era where women were taught to stand (and sit) erect. I know of this from my Scottish grandmother who was taught to never touch the back of a chair.

  3. Remember when Oblowme presented the Queen with an iPod of his political speeches? I wonder how long before the fake news will announce that Donald presented the Queen with a gift bag from a dentist’s office???

  4. FLOTUS Trump didn’t *make* the “Duchess of Cornwall” (aka the woman who was fornicating with Prince Charles all those years) look like anything. Camila did that all by herself. And did Camila change dresses during the day? The first one sported some sort peplum thingies on the stern and the second one had a pleated skirt. Same color, different skirt designs. ???

    FLOTUS is amazing! That hat!!! OOOOOOOh! And it doesn’t hurt that her natural waistline sits at about 5’4″ before heels. Her legs go on and on and on and on… (I wish I had her legs.)

  5. Her Majesty could not afford the cost of the amount of plastic surgery required to make the Duchess of Cornhole presentable, not to mention clothing.

  6. If Mitch had just pulled that turkey drumstick out from between her molars she would have presented much better when her and the Magic Negro met the Queen.

  7. After 8 plus years of NBC telling us how beautiful Mitch was, once again, they are telling us to believe THEM, not our lying eyes. Melania is undeniably beautiful, so now they tell us she insulted her hosts by somehow dressing inappropriately.

  8. The Royals didn’t seem to mind. Too bad if they did.
    Americans haven’t had to be concerned about what the Brits think or want for over 200 years.
    Liberalism lives because it uses jealousy as its power source.

  9. Melania doesn’t need to coordinate outfits with Camilla, the Bow-wow of Windsor. The Duchess would suffer by comparison with Melania regardless.

  10. First of all the First lady is a former PROFESSIONAL MODEL people. You don’t think shre knows how to dress to make herself look terrific. Secondly she is married to a BILLIONAIRE who can afford to buy her what clothes and accouterments she desires. Third Camilla is 71 and Melania is 49 and makes a big difference as well.


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