Nancy Pelosi to Announce Her Plans for the Future Today – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi to Announce Her Plans for the Future Today

UK Daily Mail

With Republicans set to take over the House of Representatives and Democrats slated for leadership elections at the end of the month, outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi‘s will tell people her plans on Thursday.

Pelosi, 82, announced through a spokesperson that she’ll ‘address her future plans’ later today with speculation already having begun as to whether she’ll remain the leader of the Democrats. 

Rumors have suggested that Pelosi would step down from Congress entirely, potentially leaving her extremely left-leaning district in San Francisco to her daughter Christine.  More

24 Comments on Nancy Pelosi to Announce Her Plans for the Future Today

  1. Would you please start off explaining why Paul ordered a male prostitute, opened the door to the cops in his underwear, then gets clunked on the head with his hammer. Then tell us who the other passenger in Paul’s DUI was. Only 2 things I’m interested in with you Nancy. I like gossip. 🙂 Politically you’re done, good riddance. Sad that it took this long.

  2. After a busy day insider trading, sucking down a bottle of Grey Goose and yelling at her masked staff, she’ll approach the podium with her complete lack of self-awareness, flamboyantly mumble and hand-gesture her near term goals for the next 50 years and denounce any criticism as a perfect practicing catholic while the lapdog liberal media scrambles to find ways to not make her sound and look like Skeletor.

  3. Although she won’t admit it publicly, one of her main plans is to start every day with a breakfast of a couple of screwdrivers and a hard seltzer float made with gourmet ice cream.

  4. Is her seat her’s to pass on?
    What the hell? We fought to not live under hereditary succession.
    That old hag should be swinging from the nearest tree, not picking her successor!

  5. Only interested if she’s announcing that she’s taking up volcano swimming as part of her exercise regimen. if not, she can continue sucking on Captain Morgan.

  6. I’d settle for self-immolation. Televised would be nice but not a requirement for me.

    I do not hold out any hope for anything even remotely consequential regarding the Big Guy or Hunter. Republicans are equally as efficient at wasting tax dollars on investigations that drag out and go nowhere.

    I’ve got one word that says it all. Benghazi

  7. @Agatha Kakalogical
    NOVEMBER 17, 2022 AT 10:53 AM
    “Is her seat her’s to pass on?
    What the hell? We fought to not live under hereditary succession.”

    If she steps down during her term, the governor (her nephew) gets to name her successor. Do you think Gavin is going to deny aunt Nancy her wish?

  8. @Repeal

    I disagree, although it’s your right to say that. The problem, as I see it, is out of control liberalism, certainly not women.

    We got some really smart, tough women on our side. We can use the feminist idea of strong women to fight for conservatism in any upcoming struggle – not because they are supporting their menfolk, but because they are smart and know right from wrong. They are not baby murderers or libertine sexual perverts, but the best women America has.

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