Nancy’s “G” Spout – IOTW Report

Nancy’s “G” Spout

Lost in all the drama of the DNC convention this week was an honest confession of what House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) really thinks of Joe Six Pack.  When asked why non-college educated white males are voting for Trump this year San Fran Nan responded that their devotion to guns, hatred of gays and God (as in opposing abortion) prevents them from voting in their economic interest.


So rather than move the party to meet them, she’d rather accuse a huge voting block in this country of being, what? too stupid or too set in their religious ways to see what’s best for themselves.  She really knows how to woo the common man to her Party.

18 Comments on Nancy’s “G” Spout

  1. Straight up sexism on her part. The leftists are pure racism and sexism. That’s why they will never tire from projecting it onto the left. Perpetual motion has been invented.

  2. BTW – I am college educated out the ass and I am voting for Trump because that is the smart thing for me and for the country. Whoever says college educated will vote Hillary are full of shitola.

  3. If it turns out that 99.44% of eligible voters are cannibalistic, gay, pedophiles, should their elected government outlaw any of the three? If you say “no” then you understand the trajectory of communism. If you say “yes” then you understand the proliferation of knee-high solar walk lights replacing lampposts.

  4. @Uncle Al July 30, 2016 at 1:09 am

    > That’s a dishonest way to say some people are honest and can’t be bought off.

    It seems like a perfectly honest way to say it, to me.

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