NASA creates fuel free engine for space travel, and they have no idea why it works – IOTW Report

NASA creates fuel free engine for space travel, and they have no idea why it works


Microwaves bouncing around inside a chamber propels a spacecraft, and scientists don’t really know why.

Calculations have a craft powered by such an engine reaching Mars in just 10 weeks.


35 Comments on NASA creates fuel free engine for space travel, and they have no idea why it works

  1. Postulated in the 60s, I think, by science fiction writers.
    Must consider the mass and number of photons as opposed to the mass of the spacecraft, and the relative velocities.

    Take a shitload of photons to accelerate a spaceship.

    Same as a bullet leaving a firearm, except the bullet is a photon and the firearm is a spaceship.

    I’m not seeing the 300 million mile trip in 10 weeks, though.

  2. We spend a billion dollars,
    to put a man in space,
    but shouldn’t we be using that,
    to help the human race?
    We’ve all got to do something,
    and do it real soon,
    Let’s take that billion dollars,
    and put the ghettos on the moon!

  3. These things have been round for quite a while and were postulated long ago.
    They are not ‘fuel free’, they run on electricity.
    The also don’t scale up very well so they will likely be limited to keeping satellites properly positioned until some major break through is made, and at this point, not even that is feasible.
    The main problem is that anomalies that exist in low power systems tend to self organize out of existence as power is increased.

  4. The photons bounce around but never leave the closed container. That’s why it violates the Conservation of Momentum principle, assuming it really does produce thrust.

  5. The problem with this (if it does work) is some asshole will travel to that solar system where they think there is some enormous structure orbiting the sun.

    Then being captured by the Aliens who live there, they will give up our location under torture, and then they will be assimilated, or eaten, or hopefully be sent to fight in the slave pens.
    Then soon we will long for the good old days when we only had rabid Muslims to worry about

  6. Just a point of clarification. NASA didn’t develop this engine. An aerospace engineer name Roger Shawyer invented it and he is not employed by NASA. In fact, NASA thought he was full of shit until a reputable institution confirmed it worked.

  7. I really don’t have time to look into this right now. The deuterium sample came in the mail on Wednesday, Mamaw’s old palladium wedding set is nicely polished and the mayo jar from last night’s ham sandwich is drying in the dish rack. Everything is ready for tomorrow’s room temperature, cold fusion experiment.

  8. As long as it doesn’t actually work, the govt to want fund it under the cloak of renewable green energy this keeping the money stream fat and on time. Make it work and they’ll stop funding.

  9. So much fail in this article. Thrust is in micronewtons…less than the force of a sheet of paper exerts due to gravity. This is can’t be used for launch. Once in space it could be used for continuous acceleration but it would take decades to reach a speed that could get to Mars in 10 months.

  10. Maybe the Muslims gave it to NASA now that Obama has them ‘reaching out’ to them. After all, they invented the concept of zero, all architecture (haha), and also more recently, goat humping and Sharia law…

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