Neighbors Put Up Nazi Flag to Protest Trump, Force Family Out of Their Home – IOTW Report

Neighbors Put Up Nazi Flag to Protest Trump, Force Family Out of Their Home

Breitbart: A Wisconsin family of six is being forced to move after angry strangers have come to their door threatening them because of the Nazi flag their duplex neighbors put up as a way to protest President Trump.

Someone took a photo of the the two-story Oshkosh duplex last Saturday and put it on social media, where the photo quickly went viral and drew outrage, Fox News reported.

Rosangela Diaz, a mother of four, said she did not know about the flag until she she saw a post on Facebook about it.

Her neighbor, who has not been identified, said he flew the flag to make a “political statement” against Trump.

Diaz, who is Hispanic and whose husband is black, has been threatened ever since the flag went up.

She said that people have been threatening to burn down their home and that someone slashed their tires.

“We’ve had people knocking on our door. Two men approached my kids on the street. I can’t get out of here fast enough,” Diaz told Fox News.  more here

SNIP: So far, it’s been the liberals who are terrorizing people. Not Trump.

20 Comments on Neighbors Put Up Nazi Flag to Protest Trump, Force Family Out of Their Home

  1. Oldest trick in the Liberal Activist Playbook: I’M going to do something outrageously racist – that you wouldn’t even dream of – to prove to my liberal friends that YOU are a racist.
    This is why it’s pointless to even engage them. Once you even step foot into the world of their Bizarro Logic you have lost.

  2. They are communists protesting a capitalist Trump, I see. Well, why are they in a country built on capitalism in the first place? The free USA country lets you move to a location more in-line with your values; there still exists communist strangleholds that would be quite accommodating.

  3. Al nailed it. If you oppose more Mohammedan fascists coming to the U.S., Leftist fascists will use the symbology of German fascists to protest because YOU are the real Nazi here.

  4. Leftist should take a lesson from this when they choose their virtue signal they better makes sure it’s not a symbol of hate already. Subtly, tolerance and a pause before acting stupid is always lost on the left.

  5. So some unnamed peckerwood goes online and buys a nazi flag, using the capitalist system to further the business that makes and markets nazi flags. Brilliant, just brilliant.

  6. I don’t buy the story. “rozangela Diez and her black husband” are “victims” because

    They are helpless here because of a flag. you know being black and Hispanic and new to the country and all.

  7. Just wondering, did these people just happen to have a Nazi flag hanging around their house, or did they have to special order it for Trumds victory?

    Uh huh…

  8. Nazi
    National Socialist
    National SOCIALIST!

    As in: National Socialist German Workers Party.
    Get it? Socialist Workers Party?
    Sound familiar? Even to a bunch of dumb fucks?
    The Demonrats pretend they don’t recognize their father!
    NSDAP was the progenitor of the Demonrat Party.
    KKK was founded by the Demonrats!
    Jim Crow was a Demonrat policy!

    How fuckin dumb can they be?

    It’s like trying to describe a color to a rock …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Hey Tim, I had a lefty troll last week try to tell me that Putin was a right wing gangster, rather than a communist party thug. They will rewrite, whether out of ignorance or convenience, anything to prop up the idea that they are not the party of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Jim Crow, etc.

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