Nevada Election Expert Says Democrats Are ‘Bedwetting in Epic Proportions’ – IOTW Report

Nevada Election Expert Says Democrats Are ‘Bedwetting in Epic Proportions’


An expert in Nevada politics has warned that Kamala Harris is in “serious danger” if Republican turnout in the state’s early voting holds until election day.

Jon Ralston, a veteran journalist and founder of The Nevada Independent, wrote in a post on his website Monday that Republicans are “happy” with how things are going so far. more

9 Comments on Nevada Election Expert Says Democrats Are ‘Bedwetting in Epic Proportions’

  1. “A few more days like this, though, and the Democratic bedwetting will reach epic proportions,” Ralston concluded his analysis.

    You mean like with Russian hookers, in Trumps hotel room and peeing on the bed. That kind of wetting the bed?
    We are all looking forward to numbers so large for DJT that is will be impossible to cheat the vote. Except in Arizona and Michigan. They will have to have a huge turnout from Independents, Blacks, Hispanics and Muslins (Detroit area) to override corrupt Sec of State and governors.

  2. I think many liberals will consider moving to another country or committing suicide when Trump wins. Liberal Jews could do both, kill 2 birds with one stone by emigrating to Gaza or Iran.

  3. Serviced a long time customer today that I’ve known was democrat a long time ago. (Yeah, he is on the highest service price range because he votes for inflation) – that’s how it goes, and he doesn’t complain. I guess he’s too rich to feel the pain of his politics.

    When Trump won in 2016, his daughter called him while I was there and was loudly crying the whole phone call. So loud I could hear it from 15 feet away from his phone. I both laughed (silently) and shook my head hearing this. Today, I asked how his wife was doing since she wasn’t there.

    His answer was that she was early voting and that it’s been incredible how many people are voting early this year. He had a smirk on his face when he said: It’s like it we’re in Georgia!

    Whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.

    I do hope the Dem cheat machine can’t defeat the true voters.

    Otherwise, nobody has enough ammo or will for what’s coming from the left.

    All I ask is: Please send bachelors. I’d hate to create more orphans, but so be it if that’s what happens. I will not go peacefully into the night.

    I’m taking as many as I can with me. I’m too old to be fearful.

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