Never-before-seen footage of Roseanne Boyland’s death on the Capitol Steps – IOTW Report

Never-before-seen footage of Roseanne Boyland’s death on the Capitol Steps


The Gateway Pundit has obtained never-before-seen footage from January 6th that will absolutely break your heart. It is unbelievable that this footage exists and is just being seen now.

In this poignant video that plays like a scene in a feature film, the unconscious body of Rosanne Boyland lay on the steps of the US Capitol as distraught Trump Supporters try in vain to save her, before finally carrying her lifeless body up to the mouth of the West Capitol Entrance and turning her over to the Metro Police Line- begging them for help after a police officer had just been seen beating Rosanne to a pulp with a stick. From there, the police dragged Rosanne down the tunnel by her feet like a sack of potatoes and she was never seen again. More

17 Comments on Never-before-seen footage of Roseanne Boyland’s death on the Capitol Steps

  1. What I see are Americans being Americans and being destroyed by the supposed American government. Each of us as Americans ought to be ashamed and take action. I called by Congressman and asked him to take action regarding these folks in “pre-judicaial ” detention or some such denial of their civil rights under the constitution. What these cops did was similar to Gestapo tactics seen in Berlin in 1937.

  2. Dude doing CPR was wore out at the start of this video. Chest compressions done properly will fry you, its kinda hard to push a rib cage down with enough force to squish blood through an entire human circulatory system, and she wasn’t a small person so the effort is greater.

    A second dude cut off her shirt, which is appropriate at the outset because shirts, bras, etc. make it less effective and obscure anatomical landmarks like the Xyphoid Process, but he was a bit late in doing it and should have jumped in with rescue breaths or took over compressions from the obviously flagging guy who’d been at it for awhile. You could see Ms. Boyland’s face for some of it, though, and also the pallor of her body and hands, and it wasn’t happening. Can’t really tell about the beating she took other than her bloody nose, but it would take a lot of body trauma to cause a traumatic arrest, or a severe blow to the head in the right place and/or a broken neck to stop breathing with the subsequent cardiac arrest being from anoxia, or she bled out somewhere but I didn’t see that in the place the video started.

    In any case, those would all have a poor survival rate at the best of times, and being dragged by her feet with her head bouncing on the ground certainly wouldn’t have helped.

    And where the fuck was the DCFD? I’ve seen squads drive through Junteenth riots with big assed women tweeking on the roof while “celebratory” gunfire goes off nearby, so don’t tell me that a bunch of unarmed, God fearing patriots were a bigger risk than THAT. If you’re going to not take any risks to try to save lives, you’re in the wrong damn business and a traitor to your Oath.

    And as for the cops, remember how they are EXPECTED to try to save any actual criminals they shoot literally anywhere else? I guess that does not attain when the crowd is White and the boss is Democrat, huh?

    …really makes you wonder about backing the blue when the blue does crap like this…

  3. no, this is know footage

    saw it last year … probably earlier.
    (should’ve downloaded it, but didn’t)

    they have absolutely no problem w/ killing anyone to further their domination

    … keep your power dry … it’s gonna be a bumpy ride

    Jan. 6 was a lie, brought to you by Vodka Skeletar & the DemonRat Oligarchy.

  4. Brad
    JANUARY 26, 2023 AT 10:54 PM
    My God man, this woman just got murdered by the state and you’re going to critique the CPR?”

    …I’m looking at it for a couple of different reasons.

    One, as I say, people do not typicallt arrest from a beating. What was done to her must have been savage indeed if it stopped her heart.

    Two, its not something a single person can do for very long, not even a bodybuilder. In a younger and heavier person, there’s a LOT of resiatance. This is basically a stopgap technique until further help arrives by its nature. Part of the evil here is that, in the Capitol City of the most technically advanced nation on Earth, within literal sight of hundreds of LEOs trained in this technique, that there WAS no further help to come. That ALONE speaks volumes that the representatives of the State with a sworn duty to preserve life and the training to do so, instead not only help but are actively hostile to this lady their colleagues injured AND mistreat her FURTHER when she’s clearly no threat. Prisoners of war not only GET better treatment, but are REQUIRED to get better treatment. Where are the indictments for these oath-breaking officers and the apparently detelict DCFD? In this day and age, I’m pretty sure SOMEONE on scene dialed 911.

    Third, the crowd wasn’t particularly interested in rescuing one of their own. ANTIFA does a better job of treating fallen members of its mobs than we saw here. Most people didn’t seem particularly concened about the obviously dying woman. CPR is usually quite the crowd pleaser, and one of the first things they teach you in the most basic of CPR classes is to say at such scenes “I know CPR, can I help”? We’ve seen time and again Leftist groups with desugnated medics. Fighting for our rights will be a physical fight at times. We need to be better organized and more willing and able to help OUR fallen in this battle, for there WILL be fallen. That is another message here

    I am NOT critiquing here. I am pointing out this man is EXHAUSTED because he made good effort, as any human being would. there were literally MILLIONS of people on both sides here that COULD have helped and SHOULD have helped. That they did NOT os not only cause for concern and a place we need to do better if we’re to win this war, but also a flagrant dereliction of duty on the part of every LEO who saw her and did not try to save her as they are REQUIRED to help even the lowliest gang member, and all the officers present should be identifed and charged in her death.

    This is going to get far uglier, and we are going to need to demand equal treatment and basic humanity from “our” police forces…AND learn to take care of our OWN at least as well as the nearest chapter of BLM.

    That is the takeaway I am trying to bring out here.

  5. Never underestimate the brutality of an affirmative action hired Government Thug Employee with a badge, a nightstick or a gun.

    Rosanne Boyland and Ashli Babbitt were Murdered by excessive force by government thugs. Boyland was beaten to death as she lay on the ground, Ashi Babbitt was shot at point blank range.

    THE Capitol Police, DOJ and the FBI have led the cover-up and wrongly protected the murderers. JUSTICE !!!

  6. Any government that can get away with this doesn’t need to worry about reflections – this is a government not of the people but of stolen votes and a thugocracy that can always “manufacture” enough votes to win.

    January 6, like the preceding November 8, were manufactured events designed to control and manipulate the narrative that Orange Man and anybody who supported him are bad.


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