New Hampshire city police use Pokemon Go to lure fugitives – IOTW Report

New Hampshire city police use Pokemon Go to lure fugitives

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Police in New Hampshire’s largest city have gotten the Pokemon Go bug, trying to lure fugitives with the popular app.

A post on the Manchester Police Department Facebook page announces that police recently detected one of the more rare Pokemon characters — a Charizard — in the booking area.  more here

6 Comments on New Hampshire city police use Pokemon Go to lure fugitives

  1. Numb nuts in MANCHESTER, N.H. PD advertising about their attempt to lure criminals to the P.D.
    They haven’t caught anyone, but they got 13,000 likes on facebook. Well, that was a success.

  2. I’m appalled to note that one of the Pokemon characters was a visitor to the Petition Room of New York City Family Court last week. And no, he wasn’t there seeking an order of Protection against Pikachu.

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