New Mexico: Dem Congressional Candidate Revealed to Have History of Stalking Women – IOTW Report

New Mexico: Dem Congressional Candidate Revealed to Have History of Stalking Women

WJ: David Alcon, a Democrat candidate for Congress in New Mexico, has once again been arrested for allegedly stalking a woman.

Police located Alcon — who is running to represent the state’s 2nd Congressional District — at an Albuquerque apartment complex on Friday and took him into custody.

A woman who attended a Halloween party on Oct. 28 in Santa Fe reported Alcon began constantly sending her frightening text messages.

She claimed that texts from Alcon included suggestions that he was watching her, declarations of his love for her and a picture of his genitals.  read more

7 Comments on New Mexico: Dem Congressional Candidate Revealed to Have History of Stalking Women

  1. If these were only allegations of wrong-doing 20-30 years ago, then the Dems and RINO’s would call for him to drop out. But since they are current actual charges, give him a pass.
    Dontcha just love liberal logic?

  2. Liberals in his district will probably love this guy and his stalking ways. Liberals will appreciate Alcon following women home from global warming rallies to make sure they don’t turn the thermostat up to 72 degrees. He will hide in the bushes outside to make sure Fox News is never turned on. David is willing to sit outside in his car in a trench coat with binoculars and a jar of Vasoline to make sure young women are safe in gun free zones.

    “David Alcon: Personally Looking Out For Your Welfare.”

  3. Putrid Democrats who’ve been elected/reelected in recent years: Marion Berry in DC; Kwamee Kilpatrick in Detroit; Jesse Jackson (III/IV??) in Illinois, and probably a LOT more that haven’t made the news. This guy in New Mexico is IN THE DOOR (hope I’m wrong).

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