New Mexico: Route 66 Casino Cancels Kathy Griffin Show – IOTW Report

New Mexico: Route 66 Casino Cancels Kathy Griffin Show

Breitbart: The Route 66 Hotel and Casino in Albuquerque has canceled Kathy Griffin’s scheduled appearance after an image of the comedian holding a bloody, decapitated head resembling that of President Donald Trump went viral Tuesday and sparked widespread backlash.

“The performance by Kathy Griffin on July 22nd has been cancelled,” read a note on the New Mexico casino’s Facebook page, promising to refund any guest who purchased a ticket.

Facebook users thanked hotel management for making the decision.  more here

20 Comments on New Mexico: Route 66 Casino Cancels Kathy Griffin Show

  1. The real shocker is that there was a booking to cancel. Someone actually hired her to perform! Watching a dog, any dog, is funnier and way more entertaining.

  2. They keep showing her picture on the teevee with the identifier “Kathy Griffin – Comedian.”

    I vehemently object to this. Comedians are funny, and make people laugh. Griffin is no comedian.

    I recommend “Kathy Griffin – Meaningless Asshat.”

  3. Interesting. Could the tide be in the first stages of turning? She is fired by CNN and now the casino. Usually leftists are awarded for their bad behavior. There are chinks in the progressive dam of bad behavior.

  4. @ F4UCorsair Thanks for the mental image. Every time I see a dog dragging its ass over the carpet I think of Kathy. It will be the first time I’ve ever laughed at her!

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