New Year’s Day Brings New Laws Regulating Phones, Guns and Soft Drinks – IOTW Report

New Year’s Day Brings New Laws Regulating Phones, Guns and Soft Drinks

NBC: The new year brings a host of new laws across the country that go into effect starting Sunday — from restrictions on holding a cell phone while driving to greater freedom for carrying a gun in public.


While many states already restrict the use of cell phones in the car, California is now taking that precaution a step further. As of Sunday, it’s illegal for drivers to hold their phones behind the wheel. The devices must be mounted and can be used only for functions that require a single tap or swipe, like answering a call.

“If you’re not paying attention and something happens in front of you, by the time your mind thinks about it and you react to it, it is definitely too late,” says Officer Jesus Chavez of the California Highway Patrol.

Meanwhile, Philadelphia becomes the first major American city with a tax on sugary sodas — one and a half cents an ounce. That’s 24 cents for a 16-ounce drink. The industry is challenging the law in court. MORE

12 Comments on New Year’s Day Brings New Laws Regulating Phones, Guns and Soft Drinks

  1. Saw the same article on Fox News, it was slanted differently. They emphasized the restrictions rather than the freedoms. Too bad I can’t find it now. Would have been a great example of bias.

  2. If only they would actually enforce the cell phone laws. Illinois is “hands free” while driving a vehicle, yet I spy people all the time from the lofty perch of my pickup truck using the damn phone! You know they’re responding to, or creating, nothing but UNNECESSARY BULLSHIT!

    Honk at them and they lose it, they turn into psychopaths because you interrupted their snapchat.

    One other thing they need to crack down on. Since when did it become okay to run red lights? I see it happen 4-5 times any time I drive anywhere. Those that are especially egregious are the ones making left turns. NO, you’re not supposed to follow cars trying to clear the intersection if you weren’t in the intersection when the light changed! Those 5-10 seconds spent waiting at a green light for impatient fcuktards add up! When traffic floods an intersection, the fcukwads running the red might slip by. However they fail to realize that in doing so, they’re limiting how many people can go through the intersection from the opposite direction. From my unscientific observation. If 2 vehicles blow through a red to make a left when the light changes, about 8-12 vehicles going the opposite direction are unable to clear that intersection in the allotted time. This compounds the problem of traffic at the intersection FOR EVERYONE, all because 1 or 2 fcukwads didn’t want to wait their turn.

  3. Will the Cali cell phone law bring back nose picking? I’ve noticed a huge reduction of fingers in noses of drivers since cell phones.

    How about a reduction of taxes on sugarless drinks?

    Why do gun controllers always envision “Gun Smoke” episodes every time a 2nd amendment freedom is restored?

    In PA 8-cents was added to the gas tax so “workers” can lean more on shovels.

  4. I drove to the doctor’s with my friend. I lent him my truck to do some errands so he didn’t have to wait. He was looking down at his frickin’ cell phone and rear-ended the car in front of him. I hate cell phones (for various reasons) and don’t own one.

  5. Jeezy peezy – a nation of fukkin morons.
    Was the election of Mr. Trump the last gasp of Liberty?

    Stupid fukkin sheep handing butcher knives to butchers (not Trump, the “regulatory” state – if clarification is required).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I thought Chicago was going to start taxing certain beverages one cent per ounce. Maybe they didn’t. If they did, that would create a good business opportunity for someone just across the Indiana state line in Hammond to open a store selling soda pop, alcohol, cigarettes, ammunition, and guns.

  7. As of January 15th it will be unlawful for anyone with a net worth below 2.5 million bucks to live in S Sarasota County between the Gulf and the intracoastal waterway.

    – Zonga

    Could you elaborate, please?

  8. Lowest Information Gov Brown has never met a tax he did not like. Tax increases do not generate the anticipated revenue [duh!] So we find a never ending source of new and higher taxation. If the state needs more revenue, then taxes must be lowered, dumbicretans oppose this athough Gov. Ronald Reagan proved it to be true in California and nationally!

  9. Dadof4

    Everything is being bulldozed on the keys to make way for yuge mansions, and I mean yuge..
    Google map aerial Casey Key and Siesta Key Fl
    There is nothing priced less than 2.5 million there.

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