New York cyclist singled out in Fredo Cuomo radio rant files police report – IOTW Report

New York cyclist singled out in Fredo Cuomo radio rant files police report

Wa Examiner: The bicyclist who was called a “jackass, loser, fat-tire biker” by Chris Cuomo in a radio rant filed a police report against the CNN anchor.

Cuomo expressed doubt about his job as a television anchor on Monday, partially because he wants to be able to fire back at those who confront him.

“I want to be able to tell you to go to hell, to shut your mouth … I don’t get that doing what I do for a living: me being able to tell you to shut your mouth or I will do you the way you guys do each other,” he said on his SiriusXM show. “I don’t want some jackass, loser, fat-tire biker to be able to pull over and get in my face and in my space and talk bullshit to me. I don’t want to hear it.”

On Tuesday, a man who identified himself only as Dave told the New York Post he was the biker Cuomo was ranting about. He said he filed a police report with the East Hampton, New York, police after being threatened by the anchor. read more

18 Comments on New York cyclist singled out in Fredo Cuomo radio rant files police report

  1. I can’t read anymore headlines about Covid19 today, and it’s only 10:33 a.m.

    (I did have a record high score on my electronic Yahtzee. Three Yahtzee’s, the 35 pt bonus, high rolls on 3 and 4 of a kind, and Chance! Can you beat 457?)

  2. I’ve been busy shoveling snow off the driveway and the sidewalk. Colorado got another fourteen inches along the Front Range and it’s still snowing in the mountains. It’s not worth going outside again unless I run out of Bombay Gin and Clontarf Whisky. My dog got me up twice last night to look for Captain Oates. I need a shave and a haircut. My friends are all snowbound, and none of my enemies have contracted the ChiComvirus yet, but I’m hopeful.

  3. “Can you beat 457?”

    I think I did. I’ve spent the first half of the day inspecting for animal holes in a building, drove in this awesome weather with light traffic across Dallas a few times already, with a back-n-forth still to go.

    This afternoon I’ll be setting squirrel traps at the first place and pleasing a tenant there very much, then closing off a different animal control job a few hours from now and collecting payment on it.

    When done with those, I’ll prepare for doing a large termite job and bidding on another one tomorrow – after I camp a squirrel hole at daybreak to pick that guy off. Trapping is not ideal there. Camera says it’s only one and is out every daybreak. He’s going to find sunflower seeds to keep him in place until I take him.

    Not even getting to all the conversations and consultations coming over the phone for problems people are having and that I’m also likely to get an emergency call before I’m back home tonight.

    Where was I? Oh yeah, I think I beat 457. Fer sure.


  4. Fredo, is a class A ass&&&&, people are aware of this, so move along nothing new here.

    BUT, I read a story today about an Alabama family (of 3 ?) who were denied entry into the community storm shelter while the tornado was on their heels, because they only had one face mask. WTF? This entire panic-demic is so full of floating (shit) lies and propaganda. So, just paying attention to such shamefulness reminds me why we, have and shall, -Patrick Henry- our 2nd Amendment freedom as necessary

  5. Fredo, Frodo, whatever the fuck you wanna call him, this stupid ass didn’t even care enough about his wife to stay away and infected her.

    I wonder what other deceases he’s passed along to her?
    Probably every STD in the book.
    He’s a stain on humanity!

  6. Dadof4 — I know you did this today as well, but just forgot to write it in. You were thankful for all the blessings of a busy work day with a paycheck at the end of it.

    Unfortunately, I cannot do my work right now because I’m neither an essential worker nor a government employee. I drove past five guys leaning on shovels; one holding a “slow” sign. They were standing over a 12″X12″ patch of pothole fill on one of my neighborhood streets. None wearing masks, standing about shoulder to shoulder.

    So, 457 is a great day for me right now. 😉

  7. I ride a mountain Bike, In the trails & Hills with shit your pants jumps and ball dragging huge climbs.
    It is way more difficult than dressing up like Wonder Woman with those spandex padded bulge yogaish pants and trying not to slide into a sewer grate while obstructing traffic you FKN GUIDO MONOSYLABIC NEPOTIST HIRE!

    I was on the fence but I am now going to add a FAT BIKE to my X-Country and Trail bikes just because it Pisses him off.

    Plus they are very good in the snow.
    (Real snow you Guido not cocaine)

  8. @AbigalAdams; I could beat 427 if I were a Democrat. You’d have to accept my dice results by mail but I’m sure there wouldn’t be any tampering or funny business and as I Democrat you’d have to trust me the media says so.

  9. Marco,
    No snow here in Colorado Springs, I’ve been at work everyday since this started. The King Soopers and Walmart I go to are about normal, went to the Commissary at Peterson AFB yesterday and they made put on a mask before they would let me in. There were empty shelves and everyone looked depressed. I just looked pissed. Stay well

  10. “He explained that he spotted Cuomo and his family playing on Easter Sunday in the yard”

    I think I would have insulted his manhood, hit on his wife, addressed his inbred children, and then called him Fredo. He would have blown a gasket.

  11. Wiredog1837,
    It’s been snowing all night and day up here. More than fifteen inches of the white stuff. It will all be melted away in a couple of days. It’s not unusual this time of the year, but there is no escape from the feeling that we are pawns in a bigger game. The politicians want to slant this their way. Stay busy and well.

  12. Abigail, I am thankful every day all day. My pastor and I were talking about how peaceful, un-panicked, and actually feeling more energy these last few weeks for both of us. I’ve seen it as a time to better prepare for helping others. Can be the only reason he’s pouring it out on me lately.

    And I don’t receive a paycheck. I’m more like the sparrow without any guarantees promised me. I’m flying because I can. That’s a gift from above.


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