Newly Elected Virginia Senator Had Been Jailed for Having Sex with Teenager – IOTW Report

Newly Elected Virginia Senator Had Been Jailed for Having Sex with Teenager

PJM: In 2014, Joe Morrissey, then a 57-year-old delegate to the Virginia General Assembly, plead guilty to a misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and was sentenced to 12 months in jail (with six months suspended) because of a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old office assistant at his law firm.

On Tuesday, he won his election to the Virginia Senate. I’ll give you one guess what his political affiliation is.

That’s right, he’s a Democrat. And he won his election with more than 60 percent of the vote.

Senate District 16 is a solid blue district. Morrissey defeated the incumbent Democrat in the primary in June. He eventually married the girl and they now have three children, but in 2016, Morrissey was also accused of exposing himself to a female client and pressuring her to have sex, though charges were never filed. He was running for mayor of Richmond at the time, and ultimately lost that election. read more

SNIP: It gets worse-

GOP Didn’t Run Anyone Against Democrat Who Went to Jail for Sex with Teenager.

16 Comments on Newly Elected Virginia Senator Had Been Jailed for Having Sex with Teenager

  1. I’m still thinking about PHenry’s “Commonwealth.” It sounds like it’s gone. That’s very depressing – and I note that PHenry is very quiet.

    The Commonwealth of Virginia. Gone.

    What we have is some kind of civil disease. I realize many characterize it as a mental disorder (credit: Michael Savage), but it may be more complicated than that. I don’t claim to understand it.

    It seems very similar to dementia with a total lack of judgment. Like people eating brains in Zombie movies.

  2. It continues to be quite amazing: the democrat party is the home of the freak, the rapo, the stupid, the bum and the corrupt.

    What a collection of clowns make up half our country.

  3. Jimmy,

    “What we have is some kind of civil disease. I realize many characterize it as a mental disorder (credit: Michael Savage), but it may be more complicated than that. I don’t claim to understand it.”

    Not complicated at all. God calls it iniquity, wickedness, sin. He says it’s found in every human heart, no exceptions, and is highly contagious whenever godless people mass together. It really is that simple.

  4. Joe Morrissey is legend in Virginia. Look him up; it would make a great -if seemingly far fetched- movie. Sadly, he now has political power equal to the fine conservative gentleman who won the senate seat from our Shenandoah Valley district with 71% of the vote. Actually, Joe has more because he’s in the majority party.

    Eventually, the farmers and the truckers who live in the productive hinterlands are going to refuse to do business with the city folks who vote these ejits into power. In the meantime, I admire the wisdom of our founders in establishing the electoral college.


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