Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Members of an Alleged International Sex Trafficking Ring – IOTW Report

Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Members of an Alleged International Sex Trafficking Ring

GP: The disturbing liaisons between Hunter Biden and a multitude of individuals allegedly linked to sex-trafficking rings have been known for quite a while.

Jim Hoft wrote about that 3 years ago almost to the day, in a groundbreaking article based on material from Hunter’s ‘Laptop from Hell’.

But now, the British Daily Mail is reporting on a new, previously unreported upon document that further demonstrate how shady money from overseas ended up in the hands and bank accounts of people involved in (or victims of) sex trafficking.

Wells Fargo Financial Crime Investigators (FCI) suspected  Joe Biden’s son was associated with a ‘sex trafficking ring’ and ‘falsified’ checks to pay prostitutes. more

11 Comments on Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Members of an Alleged International Sex Trafficking Ring

  1. Now let’s hear about the money he and The Big Guy wired to international cocaine trafficking rings.

    Hey Pedo, guess what? You are no longer seen as an asset by The Party.

  2. Damn. It seems to me one would really have to try hard to be as trashy as this guy seems to be. Or, maybe it comes with ease in his family. I just don’t know….😉

  3. Anonymous @ 5:28

    I really want to see SBF’s Parents Broke on Their ASSES.
    They willingly Assisted, actively Advised the UGLY little Twerp, and PROFITED from FRAUD!


  4. The unbelievable debauchery of this shithead, but when your own father takes serial liberties with you as a child and your family history is composed of immoral libertines, what do you expect?

    Their nasty ass hides need to be nailed to a barn door but expect no real justice to touch any of the Biden reprobates.

    Our country has now had a rapist president, a faggot president, a pedophile president, and most likely will have a transsexual president. Lucifer is so proud of his Demonrat handy work.

  5. The one major reason why that-guy Joe Biden allowed in multitudes of illegals for the purposes of labor and seks camps to satisfy the twisted perversions of his co-conspirators. Contrary to MSM’s false ‘humanitarianism’, those illegals aren’t here for asylum purposes but are deceived into believing so. Just ask any of those women, children, and underage illegal teenagers what exactly Joe Biden is doing with and to them. Previous interviews with them have been scrubbed or deleted.


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