NM Gov. Lujan Doesn’t Believe She’s Obligated to Uphold the Constitution – IOTW Report

NM Gov. Lujan Doesn’t Believe She’s Obligated to Uphold the Constitution


After declaring a “Local Health Emergency” to ban the carrying of firearms in/around Albuquerque New, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham explains her position by saying the rights of crime victims supersede the constitutional rights of all New Mexico citizens.  Victimhood defines the constitution now.

Additionally, the Democrat Governor announced that her oath to uphold the constitution is not absolute. More

24 Comments on NM Gov. Lujan Doesn’t Believe She’s Obligated to Uphold the Constitution

  1. Enough with all these communist death democrat women in power who would kill all of us. To paraphrase King Henry the First of England – Will no rid us of these evil, nasty communist women?” This slag Grisham, Witmer of Michigan, Pelosi, Illan Omar, the fat piece of shit in Maine, on and on and on. All of them must go. They should be cleaning toilets in prison.

    God damn to the deepest depths of hell every single traitorous american who votes for these communist, blood thirsty minions of Satan.

  2. The Constitution is the law that prohibits her, as a govt agent, from acting in specific ways.

    The U.S. Code plus state and local laws prohibit me, as a citizen, from acting in specific ways.

    If she’s not bound to obey her constraining laws, then why should I obey mine?

    (That’s a rhetorical question, of course. The reason why is that TPTB would kill me if I got too uppity.)

  3. UNIPARTY has not upheld the Constitution for 63 years.
    The diff here, and it is a BIG DIFFERENCE, is she does not lie about;ut it!

    “Patriot Act” is a great example. It voided:1st, 2nd ,4th and 5th Amendments. Specifically: nothing bad can be said or shown about RIP, if you bad mouth RIP you can not own a fire arm, CIA does not need a warrant to break into your house and steal your guns if you bad but RIP.
    GWB’s boy did all those things for Benghazi Gate. To a neighbor. This Reagan man had the temerity to show on Utube RIP raping Christians and beheading Christian men! “Bush Republican” – Petraeus broke into his house, stole his weapons, put him in jail when he refused to say he (Ronny man) did not show the vid to instigate Benghazi Gate!

    Pretraeous was working for GWBs acolyte at the time; But GWB promoted him; BHO merely keeps him around.

    GWB’s lefty Robert ssaid Constitution not applicable to Ronny men.
    or as Ashley Babbitt would say were she alive, to girls!

  4. The Constitution has been violated for over 100-years. We’ve allowed it without much more than weak criticism. TPTB have realized that they can do anything they want with impunity and there is no reason whatsoever for them to try and conceal their true intentions / agenda. Who’s to challenge them? Every last department, division and civilian contractor they hire are corrupt. What recourse do the citizens / producers have? No one is concerned with them or their best interest as long as they keep quiet and pay taxes to support the 51% who do not. Elections won’t solve the problems we have as they run deep. We’re hard pressed for any meaningful solutions. It will eventually collapse upon itself as our current course is not sustainable. Going to be very difficult.

  5. Article XX of the New Mexico Constitution is entitled Miscellaneous and consists of 22 sections.

    Section 1
    Text of Section 1:
    Oath of Officer

    Every person elected or appointed to any office shall, before entering upon his duties, take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation that he will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution and laws of this state, and that he will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his office to the best of his ability.

  6. Certainly an immediate impeachment if we follow customary civility. Resignation with denial of all benefits of service of any kind. Any effort to remain in office must be rebuked by whatever legal means are available.

  7. So the amendment that gave women the vote is not absolute? Does her African American constituency know she thinks the 13th and 14th amendments are optional? How many understand her feeling about the 8th amendment suggest torture might be okay?


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