No freebies! Pfizer to charge for ‘extra’ Covid-19 vaccine doses as doctors squeeze vials of every drop to inoculate more people – IOTW Report

No freebies! Pfizer to charge for ‘extra’ Covid-19 vaccine doses as doctors squeeze vials of every drop to inoculate more people


Pfizer has pressured regulators to declare its vials contain an “extra” dose of the vaccine and will now count them in deliveries, after frontline health workers found they could dispense six shots from one vial, instead of five.

A spokeswoman for the pharma giant, Amy Rose, explained that while the company would “fulfill our supply commitments in line with our existing agreements,” she said that those deals are “based on delivery of doses” themselves, rather than vials, the New York Times reported on Friday.

When doctors found they were able to pull one last dose than intended from Pfizer’s vials, some believed it would mean the 100 million doses the company has pledged to the US by March could actually stretch much further. Pfizer soon dispelled that notion, however, successfully lobbying the FDA to officially designate the extra shot in a label change earlier this month. It now says the additional doses will count toward its existing contracts, meaning fewer vials will be delivered than were previously expected. more

18 Comments on No freebies! Pfizer to charge for ‘extra’ Covid-19 vaccine doses as doctors squeeze vials of every drop to inoculate more people

  1. Ha ha ha! Remember the “Baker’s Dozen?”
    Bakers could be fined or executed for shorting flour in their products – so they put 13 into each “dozen” to keep ahead of the law. Now we’ve got just the opposite! Pfizer calls “5” “6” and the government goes along with it! Orwell was right … 2 + 2 = whatever the Party says, not what is!

    Can they certify that each and every vial produces 6 doses?
    Certainly not. What a crock of bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The big producers were flooded with money beyond imagination for the production of this questionable product but they realize that the new administration is ripe for squeezing even more out of the public. Joe will just put it on the credit card, balance be damned.

  3. …since the whole point of the FakeFlu vaccine is to kill weaker Americans and sterilize most of them so the Chinese can easily fill out soon-to-be depopulated land with all Chinese, they will soon order The Pedophile to make them mandatory and enforce it at gunpoint.

    You all, Black and White, Brown and Red, and everything in between, truly do not realize how rabidly racist the Chinese really are.

    But you will.

    It will be too late, but you will…



    I DON’T WANT OR NEED IT.Virus has mutated 27 times
    since the vac was created.

  5. They are probably getting paid per vial delivered not per administered dose. This is just a way to raise prices under the pliable Biden administration which can then turn around and claim they are exceeding their own targets for doses administered.

  6. Tim
    JANUARY 23, 2021 AT 12:46 PM
    “Pfizer has pressured regulators …”
    How’s that work?”

    …with you all day, Tim. I have in-house USDA regulators 24/7, and I saw a venture capitalist firm that owned the plant at the time try to pressure them into running with a ceiling leak in a product area.


    …this place was festooned in so many red tags it looked like an autumn leaf fall from a redheaded Truffula tree. They couldn’t fire suits fast enough to appease the Government. They told them they could make whatever they want, but if they tried to SELL it, they were all going to jail.

    …there’s a REASON its a death penalty crime if an inspector gets murdered…

    …anyway, THOSE folks ended up bankrupting the place because they just didn’t know and wouldn’t be told how to play the game, and got bought out for pennies by the former management they bought it from.

    And it all started with ‘pressuring a regulator’…

    …if I’ve leaned nothing ELSe about the Government, it DOESNT want to be loved.

    It EXPECTS to be FEARED.

    And ‘pressuring’ them isn’t showing fear.

    …so either Pfizer is awesomely powerful, or bought a President; or at least a senile old fool that was installed by the Chinese who’s pretending to BE one.

    …you can decide which it is…


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