No thanks, I’ll pass – IOTW Report

No thanks, I’ll pass

Maybe this needs further clarification.

The squid IS DEAD. The soy sauce triggers a reaction in the nerves that makes the animal “re-animate.”

This is a Japanese dish. It’s squid. The squid is dead, ready to eat.

Just add soy sauce.


ht/ Twitter: @JasonChiselScreen Shot 2015-09-11 at 9.19.05 PM

39 Comments on No thanks, I’ll pass

  1. I was first introduced to squid (Calamari) in Trieste, Italy.back in the sixties .II was delicious. But it was dead, and fried in a batter. My favotrte home cooked meal is veal and calamar. with a class, or two, of burgundy. I don’t like white wine. Too faggy.

  2. Neither of these squids was dead by southern US standards …….. we don’t declare an animal dead ’til it stops moving. THAT’S how ya tell if it’s dead! Push it with your foot or poke it with a stick – if it moves, shoot it again. Repeat until it don’t move no more.

  3. Raw shrimp, doesn’t taste that good when dead, peel and eat it while still twitching, tastes like walnuts.
    Those fried round circles of calamari you get in an Italian restaurant look like assholes to me.
    After survival school, there isn’t much I wouldn’t eat.
    Three days without eating, even the city boys wanted to know how to catch lizards and find grubs in rotting logs.
    A snake was like finding a filet along the trail.
    Ever fry fresh frog legs? They twitch in the pan too.

  4. Been fishing plenty of times with live shrimp and got skunked.
    At $10 a quart, you wouldn’t eat that bait?
    I eat anything that isn’t fast enough to eat me first.
    If you have never been really hungry, you wouldn’t understand.
    “I’d eat a bug to sell a car.” Cal Worthington

  5. You’re certainly welcome to your religion’s outdated food phobias.
    Hope you don’t begrudge mine, eh?
    Only two things I have found I wouldn’t eat/try again, a balute and a durian.

  6. I eat shrimp, but not anything else that cleans the oceans. Lobster is in the roach family. If you do eat these things, please throw them in a vat of boiling oil first. That oil will kill any disease.

  7. One of my favorite Paul Harvey stories is about the woman who was roasting a chicken in the oven who heard clucking sounds and couldn’t figure out where the clucking was coming from. She opened her oven and the roasting chicken was clucking because the chicken’s vocal cords hadn’t been removed in processing and the steam rising up thru the neck cavity was causing the dead chicken to cluck. That would freak me out as well.

  8. Back when Lazlo was littler, not long after I read in my Encyclopedia that lobsters are related to the Bed Louse and the Scorpion, and that Crabs are actually giant underwater Spiders, the Old Man decides to take the family out to the Crab Shack for the ‘all you can eat’ special.
    I was trapped in the corner of the booth (getting looks for ordering pasta) trying not to hurl as my family sat around me devouring giant bugs and spider legs, making horrible noises of cracking carapaces with the clink of pliers and whack of hammers.

    A thousand times no.

  9. ROFLMAO I have talked to rabbis who told me the diet restrictions are outdated, put in place before scientific understanding of food spoiling and parasites.
    I doubt you will find many atheist as accepting of your religion and right to practice it as you see fit than me.
    There must be a drawback to your following it, seems to give you thin skin.

  10. This Thanksgiving, I’m making stuffed turkey with popcorn dressing. You stuff the turkey, put in 350 degree oven for 3 hours or until the oven door pops open, turkey flies across the room as popcorn blows the ass off the bird.

  11. I prefer my food to be very still. For me if the food is moving, it’s too creepy and a bit sadistic. BTW have seen video of live octopus being skewered alive and eaten that way. .
    On the subject of biblical food choices, that was finalized by God himself in the New Testament – not only was it a declaration of what is edible by biblical standards, it confirms all men are equal; Acts 10:7-28.

  12. True that permission was given in the New Testament to eat things that were once declared unclean. But He never un-cursed the pig. The animal that was used for cleaning up garbage and to cast demons into.
    My take is you eat it at your own risk. Pork rots from the inside out. But I don’t stop my kids from eating it, and they do know why I don’t eat it anymore.
    I’m sticking with Kosher (and my rabbi didn’t vote for 0bama). I never hassle anybody about what they eat. But I’d be lying if I said I ate pork (just so people would think I was a cool redneck or whatever). I’ll be knocking on heaven’s door before long and this is what feels right to me, so I’m going with Kosher.

    I still love the smell of bacon, though. 😉

  13. Much respect Unruly refugee for living Kosher. I have no desire to tell people what to eat. The scripture I quoted settled the question about food choices and pork is not an issue for me.

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