Nolte: Media and Hollywood’s 9 Most Hideous Feminist Sex Abuse-Enablers of 2017 – IOTW Report

Nolte: Media and Hollywood’s 9 Most Hideous Feminist Sex Abuse-Enablers of 2017


Just as they did during Bill Clinton’s presidency, in 2017, America’s leading leftwing feminists once again proved that nothing has changed in the era of #MeToo — that, if it means furthering The Cause or protecting their friends, they are in reality nothing less than partisan villains eager to enable credibly accused sex abusers.

Most of the time these hideous women hold the sisterhood mask fairly steady. But every once in a while it slips and we are allowed to see what is really behind the hear me roar facade: a grotesque ideologue willing to sell out and personally destroy alleged victims in order to  protect a left-wing agenda that, in their own twisted minds, trumps all — even photographic evidence and basic, human decency.

Here, in no particular order, are the Left-Wing Feminist Enablers and Monsters of 2017…

  1. Mika Brzezinski

Joe Scarborough’s insufferably smug gal-pal swaggers around the cable dial and, on stage at her feminist forums, as some kind of crusading keeper of the suffragette flame when, in reality, she is the exact opposite. Brzezinski is guilty of what we are told are three unforgivable sins — and in her case they undoubtedly are.

1) To protect Al Franken, Brzezinski questioned the credibility of Leeann Tweeden, a sex abuse victim with an actual photo of her abuse.

2) Brzezinski victim-blamed her pal Mark Halperin’s numerous accusers as heartless “hypocrites,” for not wanting to meet with him, exonerate him, and allow him to return to the Morning Joe set. Among other things, Halperin is accused of roughing a woman up, rubbing his erection up against them, and masturbating under his desk in the presence of a female staffer.

3) In her unrelenting attack against a Franken accuser who has an actual photograph of his misconduct, Brzezinski slut-shamed Tweeden because she is a former Playboy model.

  1. Lisa Bloom

Gloria Allred’s disgraced daughter, who, like her disgraced mother, identifies as a crusading feminist attorney, imploded this year over a series of jaw-dropping scandals. She sought huge payoffs for President Trump’s accusers, defended Harvey Weinstein, sought to discredit his alleged victims, is accused of trying to silence alleged rape victim Rose McGowan, initially downplayed the allegations against Weinstein, and is also accused of all kinds of sleaze to protect another powerful man accused of and fired for misconduct, Amazon’s Roy Price.

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7 Comments on Nolte: Media and Hollywood’s 9 Most Hideous Feminist Sex Abuse-Enablers of 2017

  1. Whatever happened to Roy Moore’s accusers? Or Donald Trump’s accusers? They disappeared as quickly as they appeared. Seems a person who was so heinously damaged by sexual attacks from such depraved monsters would carry through until justice was served, especially since they had the capable assistance of these feminist social justice warriors.

  2. How come these scrunts have not left the USA yet?

    Did they not PROMISE to leave if Trump won the election….a full YEAR ago now!?!?

    I hope the door hits them very hard in the butt on their way OUT!

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