Nolte: Woke ‘Terminator’ Tanks at the Box Office – IOTW Report

Nolte: Woke ‘Terminator’ Tanks at the Box Office

Breitbart: Terminator: Dark Fate is not only tanking at the stateside box office, it’s also tanking overseas. If you have seen the movie, as I have, the fact that it cost $185 million to produce seems preposterous. There is no way all that money made it on the screen. But add another $100 million for promotion, and according to the formula, Dark Fate will have to make over $650 million worldwide just to break even. read more

19 Comments on Nolte: Woke ‘Terminator’ Tanks at the Box Office

  1. The problem with these movies is that they are ideologically driven…

    It’s the same reason great art and movies were never made in red China, USSR, and nazi Germany.

    Their art was driven by ideology

  2. ^^^^ hey, at least the Nazi’s had some great rallies, w/ some great propaganda films (‘Triumph Of The Will’)

    & ya gotta admit, their uniforms were quite snazzy! 😉 ^^^^

    oh, I’m gonna get bad do-bee Google-spank for this post

  3. @Groucho Marxist November 2, 2019 at 10:35 pm

    > The problem with these movies is that they are ideologically driven…

    I thought it was because they’d all been done before.
    Been done better, stronger, faster before.

  4. 80% of the reviews for this movie bitch about what a pile of horseshit the CGI is. “2019 and we get this pile of shit when in 1991 (Terminator 2) it was 10x better CGI?” 20% bitch about ideology. Not a single good review (I don’t read reviews from critics, only traditional movie goers).

    I removed it from the auto-download list a week ago.. it’s not worth 2 gigabytes of storage, let alone money in a theatre.

  5. Arnie. He’s achieved a lot for being a stone cold loser. He had a campaign slogan during his run for Governor of California, “How do you grow a small business in California? Start with a large one”. Us California conservatives all cheered. Three months after hes elected hes like “Ya know socialism isn’t that bad.”
    Speaks volumes to his athletic ability. Athletes don’t cave like that. Fuck this pussy.

    For amusement, Google Mike Mentzer scaring the shit out of Arnie at the 7th Mr.O.

  6. Linda Hamilton looked like hell. I used to think she was so hot. The lead Hispanic girl was really forgettable. Grace was hot in a tom-boyish sense.

    I wonder if Linda Hamilton’s twin sister looks as bad as she does. Too much alcohol and cigarettes destroyed her beauty.

    ….and no, I didn’t pay to see the movie. I saw it for free online.


    No seriously, has anybody?
    It got so woke, they added that muslim “doctor” to help Carl, then all the relationships are interracial or lesbian, then the last I saw there was a deaf person trying to do sign language and join the group, and that was last October 2018, I have no idea what’s going on, and their ratings are in the tank.

    Huge Star Wars Fan, but haven’t seen: Solo, Rogue One, The Last Jedi, and sure won’t see Rise of Skywalker. I downloaded some of these for free, and still can’t bring myself to watch.

    Saw part of George Lucas’s Uncle Tomming, Red Tails, then shut it off.

    When will people learn?

  8. The people in Hollywood who make movies hate you and want you dead; why would anyone watch their dreck for free, let alone PAY for it?

    Kill your Tee Vee.

    Read a book.

  9. I can’t prove it, and I have no evidence, but I think a lot of movies are made to lose money in some sort of tax scam.
    Same old dreck, over and over again, losing money? Does it make sense?

    Movies that demonstrably suck, with stale story-lines, poor acting, poor direction, poor editing, poor execution (maybe they’re laughing at us?) by people who MUST know better?

    I don’t know – if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet like a duck, and swims like a duck – it may be a duck (course, it may be a platypus disguised as a duck).

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. They have run out of stories, I believe.

    Even ones I used to like, now that I have given then 2nd and 3rd and 4th thoughts, are ridiculous in one way or another.

    Space Odyssey 2001: A shiny black monolith flies through space, eventually lands on earth in the midst of a group of chimpanzees, who are then motivated to change and evolve into humans capable of space flight. Later, the monolith takes off (its propulsion system is not explained in the movie) and buries itself on the moon. When excavated by astronauts, it emits a piercing noise and takes off again.

    Then there is HAL, the evil computer that apparently hates white male astronauts.

    This is an juvenile/adult fairy-tale. Reality was shoved to the curb for this stinker.

    I’m just not in the frame of mind for more trash from Hollywood.

  11. I remember when I saw the first Terminator I got to thinking, “If only they’d downplay the roles of every male in this movie.and make them all panicky little bitches, and turn that Sarah chick into a hideous old dyke … that would be a huge improvement. Would turn this movie into a classic

  12. You know it does take away from the dramatic tension when you are rooting for all the protaganists to die

    See, one of the reasons the first movie was so exciting was because Arnold was trying real hard to kill a HOT CHICK. And thats why they cast Linda Hamilton, your standard Amercan HOT CHICK in one of the leading roles. The damsel in distress adds a lot to dramatic tension

  13. Hey! I got an IDEA!

    Since my movie is coming out soon, I will be in the spotlight.

    This will give me a magnificent opportunity to bad mouth Trump!!!
    Oh! Goody! Goody!…(movie starts showing)

    ………Hey! Wait a minute! Why is my movie doing so bad?

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