Notturno: The Bulwark- A Methadone Clinic For Never-Trumpers – IOTW Report

Notturno: The Bulwark- A Methadone Clinic For Never-Trumpers

DC: Quotes from President Reagan and George Orwell prominently displayed on anti-Trump website “The Bulwark” immediately soothe the distressed “Never-Trumper.” He has come to the right place.

He has been binging on “Morning Joe” for the past couple of months, but it’s just not good enough. He needs some of the pure stuff. Something that allows him to feel superior to Democrats while distancing himself from the rubes in the heartland and feeling intelligent and principled.

He nervously opens an article entitled “Hayek Saw This Coming” and waves of relief flood his poor addled brain.

He nods vigorously as his favorite MSNBC contributor, Charlie Sykes, takes Roger Kimball to task for changing his mind on Trump. Tears up nostalgically when Sykes starts quoting from “The Road to Serfdom” as he remembers all the times in college when he smugly quoted that book to his liberal friends. And shakes his head in indignation as he is reminded that Trump campaigned as a demagogue.

He takes comfort in knowing that there are some vague plans for a 2020 primary challenge and that even if Trump wins the primary, the Democrats will still benefit from The Bulwark’s list of “Pitfalls the Democrats Should Avoid for 2020.”

Pacified by the cultured and principled articles and a bottle of wine, he gently dozes off, clutching a volume of Aristotle’s “Politics” and dreaming of a Ben Sasse presidency.

Without the steady stream of content from the well-funded Bulwark, Never-Trumpers would quickly feel the symptoms of withdrawal.  KEEP READING

8 Comments on Notturno: The Bulwark- A Methadone Clinic For Never-Trumpers

  1. Stay far far away from never Trumpers and eRepublicans, they are all wanna be Paul Ryan’s and are pure poison. They are particularly nuisance some when they are buddying up to you, they are a conniving lot and nothing good will ever crom falling for their bullshit again and again. They are not reaching out for any other reason than a setup to stick another knife in your back.

  2. I just bookmarked “The Bulwark”, this is one I’m going to enjoy commenting on, stirring things up if you will. Although to be fair, I read their mission statement, I think they are more right than wrong, but where they really go off the rails is this Never-Trump nonsense.

    Never-Trump accomplishes nothing and limits thinking, BTBH, the absolute deification of Trump on this site by some is a bit unsettling, even when he screws the pooch.

    The one characteristic of the left, worthy of mass scorn and ridicule, is their blind adulation for their leaders, even in the face of incompetence or malevolent motives. Girls wetting their panties at the Obama rallies when he promised to part the seas and heal the planet, nauseating. The Democrats worship their leaders, we should do better. It is not much of a stretch for them to prostrate themselves before government because they view government as their protectors and benefactors, we know better. We understand how a Republican style democracy works, that our leaders have no power except what we as voters delegate, that they are supposed to represent us and do ALL those things they promised. And when they don’t we should give them hell, Trump included.
    Now, I’m gonna go over to The Bulwark and start a little brush fire.

  3. I see that Wile E. Erickson appears to have stepped out of the free-falling Nevertrump elevator just before it crashed into the ground. Now he’s talking about how he’s buddies with Pence. Erickson had better not be pulling some Nevertrump insider bullshit, and I’d better not hear of him writing anything for the Bulwark. He’s already on strike three.

  4. The only thing Hayek ever sees(saw) coming is that capacious balcony.

    (Not that there’s anything wrong with that)

    ((And there’s so much wrong with that, that I guess I’m already cast from “The Bulwark”))

  5. These assclowns remind me of a line from one of the Edith Wharton novels (The Age Of Innocence?): “Grace is not required once the steps are learned”. [Saw the movie, didn’t read the book].


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