Now immigration is a national security issue – IOTW Report

Now immigration is a national security issue

WashingtonTimes: The horrific attacks in Paris have radically changed the dynamics of the American 2016 presidential election.

Restaurant shooting

The Democrats, refusing to be serious for decades when it comes to national security, and pushing for unfettered legal and illegal immigration in order to pad the voting rolls in a shameless thirst for power, have now been exposed for what they are — a corrupt party using government office for power and money, regardless of the consequences for the American public. 

illegals macedonia greece

Many political pundits have been saying that national security will be at the forefront in the coming electoral contest. I dare say that now immigration’s effect on national security is the only issue.  read more


20 Comments on Now immigration is a national security issue

  1. The crass bastards are overtly and intentionally putting you and your family members lives literally on the chopping block. The asswipes are not your friends and or fellow Americans. They are beneath contempt and should be kicked to the gutter like any slimy virus infested vermin or filthy cockroach would be ! Orkin man where are you?

  2. Had a conversation with a Donk neighbor recently. At the time I didn’t know her philosophical or political views. After some talking, she hit me with the old saw of “you conservatives want to take us back to the ’50s” .. I replied that the Liberals in the EU and the Democrat Party are gonna take us back to the the 1550s pretty soon (see: siege of Vienna)

  3. About time somebody in the LSM got it.

    Any candidate who mentions the word “diversity” in his campaign will get an engraved invitation to kiss my fat, white, Christian, Muslim – distrusting ass.

  4. More than likely most of the Muzzies will come from the North so we might need a wall there too. Which is kind of funny because Scott Walker said something similar before he crashed and burned.

  5. Thank you for the activists link. I just spent an hour reading!

    Amazing how much I’ve learned from this particular website since I bumped into it. It starts with an sd post, followed by all the wonderful, informative comments, backed up with links.

    In the past, I’ve found that commenters’ on other sites end up name-calling and nothing is gained. SD keeps an eye on it, and discourse remains on a high level. Very appealing.

    There are many people, each researching and sharing an extensive amount of knowledge on this one website.

    Question: if it’s true that a newbie has to prove they’re not a liberal to be accepted here, as I read yesterday, does it count that I opened my ex-husband’s eyes to Trump (with the help of you all)? He was a Cruz supporter, thought Trump was too arrogant (he’s an ICU doc who works with lots of arrogant docs.) He now is pro Trump and is stumping for him.

    You are a pleasure to read. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate sd, all the Treepers, and all the information you put out there each day!

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