Now To Win The War On Christmas – IOTW Report

Now To Win The War On Christmas


Some may think it’s a minor issue to replace saying “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays,” Dennis Prager explains why it’s not.


10 Comments on Now To Win The War On Christmas

  1. Let’s not stop with Merry Christmas. It’s time to stand up to the perpetually offended, self-loathing naysayers. Grow up, get a life, stop making everybody as miserable as you are and see the good that is out there.

  2. But then again I used the word FAG at the register a couple days ago and got chewed out by some 45 year old woman. It was at our local grocery store and I know all the check out people there. So I might not be PC.

  3. I always respond by saying “Happy Hannukah”. I’m not Jewish myself, mind you, but I figure they could be. You never know. Plus, if I hear them mutter “Infidel dog!” under their breath, I find out which ones are Muslims.


  4. In our household we celebrate Jesus’ birthday with cake, ice cream, Christmas tree, presents, Christmas music, prayer and a very good meal.

    The left would be satisfied with taking Christ out of Christmas.
    He will always be the Reason for the Season.

  5. I had conversations with the reps of an Insurance Company and a Bank these past few days. Everything was fine, but at the end of the conversation both reps said to me. Happy Holidays. I replied, thank you, and a Merry Christmas to you. They both hesitated, and said….uh ah ,. have a nice day. Like robots. They must have gotten the memo. Two completely different companies. Merry Christmas all.

  6. I’m a cashier and i said “MERRY CHRISTMAS” as customer was purchasing “Christmas” items. He turned around and replied “happy holidays” and i said merry Christmas again, lovin every minute of it.

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