NY Times Draws New U.S. Map as Well as Ire – IOTW Report

NY Times Draws New U.S. Map as Well as Ire

I remember a picture that was posted years ago, on this site, of a mega-city with high walls with the outcasts living on the outside, fishing and farming.  I’m the outcast that would be living outside the city and would be happy about it. The city dwellers would be behind their walls trying to figure out how they can help me so I can be like them.

They will never understand that I don’t want to be like them.  Most of the people of Appalachia are living life like they want to, yet the NYTs thinks they need their pity and help.

I guess I should be happy that the NYTs thinks us dumb southern rednecks would simply be good at manufacturing the stuff they need. 

Liberalism is a mental disorder.  Either that, or am am a stupid redneck and don’t know it.

– Menderman
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11 Comments on NY Times Draws New U.S. Map as Well as Ire

  1. This is just an old, fascist wet dream the Left recycles every 10 years or so. Menderman’s right: the comments are revealing…better than the screed.

  2. This goes back beyond the Civil War…the Liberal Rust Belters think themselves above and beyond the remainder of mankind, except they like to include the crazy loons (birds of a feather) on the Left Coast… has to be a genetic disorder……BIAS like that doesn’t get cultivated, it is inbred…

  3. Prog planning to alter the “collective” ideal. Another Alinsky tactic to break down American society & reform it into the New World Order. This is just another ad for Agenda 21. We’re past the Soap box and this election shows that the Ballot box is screwy. The Jury box? I’ll believe that when Killary wears orange pants suits for life…especially if the Progs can put their Supreme in Scalia’s spot. That leaves only the Bullet box…

  4. I’m surprised they didn’t outright cede most of the Southwest to Mexico. I’m sure they would do it if they could, just to assuage their “white privilege” (not giving up anything of their own, heavens no. Somebody else’s livelihood would do just fine).

  5. All bow down to our Overlords and their GRAND PLAN.

    Fuck these assholes and their central planning. They’ll never ever get it.

    I got through a goodly amount of his bullshit but stopped at the “low paying Nissan and Toyota jobs in Kentucky & Tennessee”

  6. If the traitors succeed in putting Hillary in office, the entire map will be labeled “Progtardia”. Of course, after a few years of that the whole country will be a giant grave yard.
    How stupid does a human have to be to vote for that bitch?
    Record breaking stupid.

    The map in the picture is plumb fck’n stupid.

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