NYC Subway Murders Soar 60% As Nationwide Data Backs Trump On Crime Spike Under Biden-Harris – IOTW Report

NYC Subway Murders Soar 60% As Nationwide Data Backs Trump On Crime Spike Under Biden-Harris

Zero Hedge

Murders across New York City’s subway system have surged by a shocking 60% so far this year, even as overall crime on the rails has dipped, leaving straphangers increasingly terrified for their safety.

According to NYPD data, eight people have been slaughtered on subway cars or in stations as of September 8, up from just five during the same period last year. The surge in killings is closing in on the 25-year high set in 2022, which saw ten murders in the transit system—a grim milestone unseen since 1997. For over two decades, from 1997 to 2020, the city never recorded more than five subway murders in a single year, the NY Post reports. MORE

5 Comments on NYC Subway Murders Soar 60% As Nationwide Data Backs Trump On Crime Spike Under Biden-Harris

  1. If David Muir contacted NYC “officials”, he would no doubt find that there has been no significant increase in subway murders, and if there has been an increase, it’s because Trump has provoked it.

    Nothing to see here, move along, people. But it’s probably best if you move along up on the street.

  2. here is an update to the amazing subway system our awesome Mayor is cleaning up. hope the link works. this incident happened at “Broadway Junction”, basically where Brownsville Brooklyn and East NY Brooklyn meet up. Absolute cesspool. Breeding ground for horrific violence. Anyone with half of a functioning brain does not go within 3 miles of the area. Yet I find myself in the area Mon-Fri 2PM-10PM. Hey, at least I admit I’m a dummy

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