NYT: 2 Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately – IOTW Report

NYT: 2 Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

Breitbart– Megan Twohey and Michael Barbaro of the New York Times writes that two women — Jessica Leeds of New York and Rachel Crooks of Ohio — approached the Times alleging that Donald Trump came on to them with unwanted kissing and touching.

From the New York Times:

In the days since Mr. Trump’s campaign was jolted by a 2005 recording that caught him bragging about pushing himself on women, he has insisted, as have his aides, that it was simply macho bluster. “It’s just words,” he has said repeatedly.

And his hope for salvaging his candidacy rests heavily on whether voters believe that claim.

They should not, say Ms. Leeds and Ms. Crooks, whose stories have never been made public before. And their accounts echo those of other women who have previously come forward, like Temple Taggart, a former Miss Utah, who said that Mr. Trump kissed her on the mouth more than once when she was a 21-year-old pageant contestant.

In a phone interview on Tuesday night, a highly agitated Mr. Trump denied every one of the women’s claims.

Read the rest of the story here.

A statement from Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor for the Trump campaign, reads:

This entire article is fiction, and for the New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr. Trump on a topic like this is dangerous. To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump trivializes sexual assault, and it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election.  MORE

33 Comments on NYT: 2 Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

  1. What the fuck. Of course he did. We got to expect more and more of this bullshit. “He patted me on the back, the dirty, filthy bastard”
    I think most decent Americans, today, are beginning to realize that the media have been taking us for ride for over fifty years.

  2. Look at those women?
    Shit me a fcuking break!
    Trump has better taste in dames than that.
    Hell, Stevie Wonder wouldn’t touch them with a white cane.

    Then again, who am I to talk about taste in women?

  3. So we are supposed to believe these ladies but those tramps that are accusing bill are just money grabbers and trouble makers. Hillary, where do you stand on this and how do you make the distinction between them?

  4. Complaint number one. ” Well if he didn’t grab my pussy he was thinking about it”.

    Defence lawyer “Please bitch, have you seen who he’s married to?”

    Jury, not fucking guilty, please douche from now on,,,.

  5. If anyone buys that story I have a bridge for sale LOL! I’m beginning to think there are no democrat’s that tell the truth ! Besides those 2 would make a train take a dirt road ! He wouldn’t sink that low Bill would though.

  6. McGillivray said she’s not registered with either party but she’s voting for Hillary.

    “It’s important to set a good example for my daughter” she told The Post.

    “You know, the one that was in the backseat when I got my DUI.”

  7. Ok now it’s just getting ridiculous. This cow wrote for People Rag and claims she too was attacked by Trump while on a shoot of Trump and Melania 1st anniversary. Melania was very pregnant and went upstairs to change and Whammo he couldn’t resist…. because ya know Melania’s beautiful, but there’s this…


    This story is linked on John Harwoods Twitter so it must be true.

  8. 30 years ago? I do remember when I lost my virginity, but I can’t tell you who groped me 30 years ago or in between from now and then. Get over it ladies! Being in my 60’s, groping may now be a compliment, but it never happens. And if it happened 30 years ago, consider yourself lucky!

  9. Cadence count, marching GI’s Fort Jackson SC. “Ain’t no use in lookin lookin’ down, they ain’t no discharge on the ground,”

    “just think about your sorry ass, with a mouth fulla pussy and a handful of ass.”

    That sort of shit gotta be banned from the new, politically correct Military. Horrible,. horrible, outrageous.




    MY take on it?!?
    If he were tricky AND EVIL, I’d think he released this sham of a “scandal” himself to innoculate him from such attacks from the Clinton campaign. But, NAAAAH, I think Clinton is getting sloppy in its desperation.

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