Obama Admin Gives Green Light for Iran to Build Two New Nuclear Plants – IOTW Report

Obama Admin Gives Green Light for Iran to Build Two New Nuclear Plants

WFB: Iran is permitted to pursue the construction of two newly announced nuclear plants under the parameters of last summer’s nuclear agreement, Obama administration officials informed the Washington Free Beacon, setting the stage for Tehran to move forward with construction following orders from President Hassan Rouhani.

Ali Salehi, Iran’s top nuclear official, announced on Thursday that Iran has invested $10 billion into the construction of two new nuclear plants after receiving orders from Rouhani, according to reports in Iran’s state-controlled media.

A State Department official said to the Free Beacon following the announcement that Iran is allowed to move forward with this venture under the nuclear agreement, which does not prohibit this type of nuclear construction.

“The [nuclear deal] does not prevent Iran from pursuing new light-water reactors,” a State Department official not authorized to speak on record said to the Free Beacon in response to questions about Iran’s latest announcement. “Any new nuclear reactors in Iran will be subject to its safeguards obligations.”



SNIP: And then this from DWS’ debate against challenger Tim Canova: 

deb wass schul

Wasserman Schultz Can’t Guarantee Iran Nuclear Deal Money Won’t Go to Attacking Israel.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) couldn’t guarantee money Iran got through President Obama’s landmark nuclear deal wouldn’t go to financing terror attacks against Israel during her debate Sunday against primary challenger Tim Canova.

Iran funds fanatical anti-Israel groups like Hamas and Hezbollah and is the largest state sponsor of terror in the world.

Debate moderator Jim DeFede brought up the $1.7 billion Iran got in January as part of a failed arms deal settlement, which included a $400 million cash payment on an unmarked cargo plane that critics charged was effectively a ransom and tied to the nuclear agreement. Iran freed four hostages on the same day it got the cash.

DeFede misspoke about the amounts of money allocated to Iran through the nuclear deal, which is more than $100 billion in sanctions relief, but the crux of his question was whether Wasserman Schultz could guarantee that none of it would be used by Iran to finance terrorist attacks against the Jewish state.

“Can you guarantee that that money, that $1.8 billion that’s part of the Iran deal, won’t be used to finance terror against Israel?” DeFede asked. “Can you guarantee it?”

“You can never guarantee anything, Jim,” she said. [Video at link]

8 Comments on Obama Admin Gives Green Light for Iran to Build Two New Nuclear Plants

  1. I call it treason. Where in the world is there any opposition to this lunacy? I can only hope that the first nuke catches all of these bastards in DC and fries them to ash.

    Here’s the money shot, “Any new nuclear reactors in Iran will be subject to its safeguards obligations.”

    Any NEW????

    And will be subject to it’s safeguards obligations. What a steaming load of horse shit.

    The hate Obama/Jarrett have for this country must be so intense that if revealed, it would scare most of us to death.

  2. For sum, political power must be a very powerful drug. I know actual methheads with better common sense.

    MM, your analysis is spit on. It treason and should be treated as such.

  3. What the news didn’t say: One will be built, manned and used on each coast of America.

    But don’t get excited that it is another ‘stimulus’ jobs program. All labor will be ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, all supplies from foreign companies. The only thing to be ‘stimulated’ for America, will be the national debt, going at nuclear speed.

    Good ol’ Obama.

  4. Actually, Thirdtwin, I believe it was the Clintons who started giving them the technology in the first place. obama just gave them free rein and lots of money to GO BIG.

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