Obama eats 7 salted nuts every night – IOTW Report

Obama eats 7 salted nuts every night

Well, that’s odd.

TammyBruce: Stop the presses: The New York Times has published a column about Obama’s nighttime routine.

Yes, he eats exactly seven salted almonds, every night.

With such an in-depth, riveting piece, I see a Pulitzer for this writer in the very near future…Not.

Via NYT: Obama After Dark: The Precious Hours Alone

The emails arrive late, often after 1 a.m., tapped out on a secure BlackBerry from an email address known only to a few. The weary recipients know that once again, the boss has not yet gone to bed.

The late-night interruptions from President Obama might be sharply worded questions about memos he has read. Sometimes they are taunts because the recipient’s sports team just lost….


31 Comments on Obama eats 7 salted nuts every night

  1. I’ll have to give him this: He has more self-control than I do. Once I get started eating salted almonds, I ain’t stopping at seven. Those things are yummy.

    P.S. – @Ann Thracts: Shame on you! Just kidding – that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.


  2. So, Obama is a nut nibbler. I always suspected as much. What am I saying. Nut nibbler doesn’t even begin to describe him. The guy has been on more wieners than French’s Mustard.

  3. Yeahhh, the salted nuts in question are from his enemies (you know, Christians, actual patriots and the like) that he’s had castrated. Curious way to increase his testosterone but Michelle had to do something to stop him from wearing her clothes and going for “walks”.

  4. Why am I not surprised that he eats nuts? I do felt sorry for the poor gays who thought they were getting a blow job and ended up on their way to being Jennerized!

  5. Yeah, sure. He eats 7 nuts a night, watches African handball, Boardwalk Empire, Netflix and HBO GO, but you still can’t find his
    college transcripts or who the best man at his wedding was.

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