WND- On tap: 5.5 million hours from workers trained to deal with ‘intersex, gender nonconforming’.
The level of health-care services provided to illegal aliens is about to get a huge boost from the Obama administration, which is hiring contractors to provide the equivalent of 5.5 million additional labor hours of treatment to detainees.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, of the Department of Homeland Security did not provide an estimated cost of these support services over five years. It is leaving it up to vendors to propose how much it will cost.
According to a solicitation for bids that WND discovered through routine database research, the purpose of this initiative is “to provide on-site medical staffing services to provide a continuum of health care services to ICE residents/detainees 24 hours a day, seven (7) days per week, and 365 calendar days per year” at various clinic sites.
All of the treatment will come from workers who are screened to be politically correct.
Illegal according to illegals is so offensive please call us Hispanic
guests or Hispanic Visitors, or Hispanic next door neighbors, or Hispanic relatives of Jeb Bush or Hispanics willing to take your excess goods, services and money or Hispanic good swimmers,
or Hispanic owners of your country, or Hispanic Democratic voters
etc, etc, etc!
We can’t let this POS continue to give away our country. Is there anybody in government or military or the court system that will say no to this guy? Is everyone a co-conspirator?
I’ve wondered why a dozen Blackhawks haven’t flown over from Andrews, landed on the WH and arrested Jarrett and her puppet myself.
Why not, we’re living in a lawless country anyway, might as well go full banana republic.
“Give Me More Free Shit”
How about a free swift kick in the ass back across the border?
I’m eligible for Medicare but can’t afford it. Thank God, I’m employed.
How bout “Illegal Invading Rat-People?”
Truth in Advertising.
I thought Medicare was a part of Socialist Security and was “free.”
From my ass into your illegal mouth. More free shit. Enjoy.