Obama revokes 22 illegal immigrants’ amnesties – IOTW Report

Obama revokes 22 illegal immigrants’ amnesties


Unclear if they will be deported.

WashingtonTimes– Homeland Security has punished 22 illegal immigrant Dreamers who refused to give up their three-year deportation amnesties and exchange them for two-year permits, and has instead revoked them entirely, officials told a federal court late Friday.

And the department has agreed to turn over sensitive information on about 2,600 other Dreamers who were issued three-year amnesties in violation of Judge Andrew S. Hanen’s order, so 26 states can decide whether they want to take action against the illegal immigrants, such as potentially canceling or changing their driver’s licenses.

But in yet another black eye for the department, officials told Judge Hanenthey’ve just discovered about 50 more cases where they may have illegally issued three-year amnesties, and are now scrambling to figure out what to do about those, in the face of a federal court that’s already accused them of a “cavalier” attitude toward his rulings.  more

5 Comments on Obama revokes 22 illegal immigrants’ amnesties

  1. “cavalier” attitude

    So, that’s what it’s called. I think “TRAITOROUS” attitude was more like it. Flooding the country with illegal invaders puts all citizens at risk to our ‘life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’.

    I also thought ignoring court orders was illegal. And this isn’t the first time.

  2. Hmmm … 22 out of 20 Million?

    Obola’s really got hisseff a talkin point, now!

    “See what I … uhhh … done … uhhh … to … uhhh … curtail an unforce … the … uhhh … y’know … red line in Texas?

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