Obamacare’s $11 Billion Vanishing Act – IOTW Report

Obamacare’s $11 Billion Vanishing Act

This is on top of skyrocketing premiums, far less choice of health provider, and a serious lack of trust in the entire system

LZ: Recipients of Affordable Care Act advance premium tax credits (APTCs) reported receiving $15.8 billion in subsidies as of April of this year. However, according to information released by the Department of Health and Human Services, the government has paid out $26.7 billion of these subsidies.

In other words — there is $11 billion in unaccounted tax credits for last year.

Most of that $11 billion is missing because of misfiled and missing paperwork. With advance premium tax credits, people estimate their income for the year, and the government pays tax credits to their insurance company to help cover their health care expenses. The amount of money people receive is based on a sliding-scale income estimate — the less they make, the more they get. At the end of the year, they are supposed to file a Form 8962 with their tax return and pay back any excess credit.

Except that most beneficiaries of these credits, it turns out, aren’t filing the correct form.

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7 Comments on Obamacare’s $11 Billion Vanishing Act

  1. WILL THE CRIME SYNDICATE aka OBIE/CLINTON CARTEL ever cease stealing from us? Even putting them in prison for life plus 100 yrs won’t stop it. Cutting off some heads may.

  2. Barky’s a chip off the old Clinton block. He found yet another away to scam the taxpayers using his corrupt and ineffective health payment program. Hillary and BJ Billy must be red with anger and jealousy!!

  3. The most astonishing factor is the HUGE amounts of ‘lost’ funds, which Obama and almost all of his departments, have “no accounting” for and aren’t even trying to recover OR explain. Like the billions HRC “lost” during her SOS time.

    Or the outrageous amounts the Obamas spend on vacations! Good Lord, we have a Marie Antoinette president. Plays the highest game on taxpayers’ backs. Simply amazing.

    But let a Tea Party organization ask for tax exemption status, WHAM! Punish them and their donors.

    I’m so sick of the whole damn cess pool swamp, called Washington DC. If Trump wins the election, how refreshing it will be! If not, corrupt congress will all of a sudden gain ethics, stumbling over themselves to get to a microphone first, in order to feign outrage! With HRC, they’ll just hold open their pockets.

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