Obama’s DOJ/FBI Political Spying Goes Back To 2012 – IOTW Report

Obama’s DOJ/FBI Political Spying Goes Back To 2012

Sundance at Conservative Tree House breaks down the abbreviations and explains how the opinion of  Judge Rosemary Collyer on April 26th, 2017 states that after the Obama Administration scheme to use the IRS to spy on and punish political opponents was ended in 2012, his minions switched over to the FBI and DOJ to do their intelligence gathering for oppo research to help Hillary.

Fusion GPS wasn’t brought in to perpetrate the Russia hoax, they were hired to cover up all the illegal spying that had been going on prior to Admiral Michael Rogers putting an end to all the abuse of FISA data searches in 2016. More 

6 Comments on Obama’s DOJ/FBI Political Spying Goes Back To 2012

  1. With all the talk about prosecuting these creeps in the DOJ and FBI I’ve heard little other the the mention of the name Glen Simpson. He’s one of those at the heart of this and needs to be locked away for a long time. He’ll also squeal like a pig when he’s finally cornered and Hillary will probably need to snuff him out before he does. {Rubbing hands together in anticipation.}

  2. The Obamboozler: “We’re probably the first administration in modern history that hasn’t had a major scandal in the White House.”

    Jackass Joe: “Not one single whisper of scandal”

    No scandals uh? How ’bout we just call them all Zero scandals then Mmmkay?

  3. Why is anyone SURPRISED. Well DUUUHHHHH. he is a Chicago politician .he wanted his Senate opponent’s SEALED divorce records unsealed so he could use that against his opponent. So ALL THIS SKULDUGGERY IS NOT SURPRISE TO ME IT IS PROBABLY THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG.


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