Ocasio-Cortez adrift without Chakrabarti – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez adrift without Chakrabarti

American Thinker:

Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a name that’s highly recognizable to the general public.  She’s plastered on nearly every network and newspaper and serves as the Bolshevik-in-chief of the far-left “Squad.”  You’ve unfortunately heard of her.

One name you’re likely not familiar with is Saikat Chakrabarti.  Chakrabarti is an elite Harvard grad who spent more than eight years working both on Wall Street and at multiple startup companies in Silicon Valley.  He served as the chief of staff to Ocasio-Cortez up until August 2, 2019 and penned the Marxist daydream known as the Green New Deal.

Initially, the Green New Deal was pitched as an environmental utopia where fossil fuels, common transportation, and even beef was eradicated.  Never mind countless issues with the bill, the $92-trillion price tag over ten years, or the fact that it did not receive a single vote in the Senate.  Chakrabarti confirmed to the Washington Post that the GND initially wasn’t penned with a shred of environmental concern after all.

Chakrabarti stated that “it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all…we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

So, the Green New Deal was never about climate change.  Instead, it was about economic takeover and restructuring.  But it seems that nobody cares, particularly the major news networks.  Imagine the backlash if President Trump’s “wall” promise was uncovered as merely anything apart from border security.

Since then, Chakrabarti abruptly resigned from his chief-of-staff position and is currently being investigated by the feds for possible campaign finance violations.  The inquiry examines the complaint that Chakrabarti and Cortez allegedly funneled an excess of $1 million in campaign donations into two private organizations, which Chakrabarti owned and operated.  In 2016 and 2017, one third of the $3.3 million the pair raised from mainly small donors was allegedly transferred to two companies whose names are highly similar to one of the PACs.

So how is Ocasio-Cortez holding up since the departure of the author of her entire agenda?  Not so well.

19 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez adrift without Chakrabarti

  1. Just like Obama without his teleprompter and Biden without… Never mind, there’s nothing anyone can do about Joe. Sandy’s had her moment, the Somali skank continues with her anti-semitic rhetoric daily and Pally Sally is now in the spotlight fresh from her West Bank Grandma gambit.

  2. They said the same thing about Hitler. He’s washed up. Done for. Over. Then he took over europe and killed 6 million people. She isn’t going anywhere. just needs more tweaking.

  3. @Anonymous 12:16 PM:

    They said the same thing about Hitler. He’s washed up. Done for. Over. Then he took over europe and killed 6 million people.

    21 million, including the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust.

  4. Cortez, remember the last person who had your job? He, too, ignored his district and took his Congressional seat for granted. He also though he was entitled to a leadership position. The difference is that it took him years to get that way, whereas it took you only a few months. Your time is going to come, maybe sooner than you think.

  5. The word is elitist, not elite.

    It was pretty obvious this was the arrangement. On Twitter, she was forever “clapping back” based on some loose understanding of history and current events.

    However, when she was constantly being put on those comedy talk show interviews she couldn’t paste a sentence together.

    Now she’s not on any TV show. That’s funny. But don’t think every writer for Colbert or the Daily Show doesn’t want to harness her microphone for The Cause.

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