Oh, YOU Won’t Dress Melania Because She’s Not Your Style? – IOTW Report

Oh, YOU Won’t Dress Melania Because She’s Not Your Style?

Tom Ford, a guy I never heard of until I was researching Jay Z lyrics (see below), lies on The View about not wanting to dress Melania Trump.

He says he already refused to dress her years ago because “she wasn’t his style,” and then weakly added that he wouldn’t do it because “he’s too expensive for a first lady” and “he wouldn’t even dress Hillary had she won”

So he knew years ago that Melania was going to be first lady? I’m confused.

What exactly is wrong with Melania’s style? Is she too gorgeously figured or lovely of the face?

It’s worth noting that lying Ford made a dress for the amazon Michelle Obama, which flies in the face of his “no first lady” dress rule.

(He says he did it because it was a “special occasion.”  Michelle was meeting the queen (the actual queen of England, not a homosexual.)

So Melania will never have a special occasion? Keep digging Starfish.

Why can’t Ford just come out and say he’s being a catty prig and he discriminates against people with a different vision on how to run the country?

By the way, I recommend that Melania not wear Tom Ford. The song about him, written by one of Michelle Obama’s favorites, Jay Z, is disgusting and not at all Melania’s style. (Apparently it’s Michelle’s style, though. She took her underage daughters to see a Jay Z concert that featured this song.)


ht/ redecaesari



37 Comments on Oh, YOU Won’t Dress Melania Because She’s Not Your Style?

  1. I dont see where the new First Lady needs a different designer. She doesnt need to change a thing.

    Whereas our current first lady doesnt know shit from shinola. She wears them both interchangeably.

  2. I’m sure Melania has a closetful of lovely clothes she can bring to the White House. I doubt Donald has had any trouble keeping her dressed in the style she is accustomed to. As a former model I’m sure she knows which designers she prefers, and NOT Tom Ford.

  3. Oh, they dressed the Creature to the tee. Fine clothes. Elegance. But that caboose and face–no hope–no matter what she wore. And they couldn’t hide those long, muscular, ape like arms–again hopeless. Now, Melania, well…she can be dressed in an old, ragged, woolen winter blanket from Siberia muddied and filled with holes, and she’ll still knock ’em dead!

  4. What is with these melodrama liberals jumping up saying they’re NOT going to do something when nobody fucking asked them to do anything to begin with?
    How much more, “DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHO I AM?!?!!?” Do we have to put up with? LOL

  5. Compared to what was suppose to be a “first lady”…the NEW one could probably go to Wal-Mart and grab any rag off the rack and look a Hell of a lot better than her predecessor.

  6. What the hey? Tom Ford (whoever he is) has announced he won’t dress Melania if asked.
    And he ass-umes he might be asked to do so??!! Gads! What ego, worthless ego.
    Go away, Ford. She doesn’t need you. And you aren’t the only button on the blouse.

  7. i kinda suspect melania trump will dress melania trump all by her own self, as she has done since (probably) reaching puberty…..i know, cause of i have mostly made my own clothes ……when i can’t find what i want on the shelf, i make it myself……i suspect she has the same abilities, seriously, it ain’t that hard…..

    all those “genius” designers aside, of course…..

  8. on the other hand, if you had asked me to dress mrs obama…….i probably would have sent to you Tractor Supply or Southern States for a nice set of overalls….

    if i felt generous, i would maybe have recommended some maumau garments, but that would have been racist…

    one of the best things about the new administration is that we will no longer have to accept that a huge
    “TONED ARMED” supposed “female” is the epitome of female beauty…SASQUATCH is no longer the base against which we must judge all forms of beauty….


    and to amend my former comment – yeah, i have made my own clothes…..but our future first lady just needs to tell someone else what she wants…and if all these “HOLIER THAN THOU” designers don’t want her business, that’s even BETTER for america…..because we have PLENTY of talent here, just waiting and more than willing to submit designs to one gorgeous woman….only omar the tentmaker would prefer to dress the wookie……..

    hurted your feelings, have i? 2 bad it effing is……

  9. dammit again…..i made sure it said i was commenting as chuckie, and yet again, i have become anonymous….

    we need to start keeping track of this, because i have seen others say “oh wait, anonymous was me”

    i checked and i was sure that my comment was sent under my chuckie name, yet it show up as anonymous….

    like i said before….is it the NSA, or LO retta?????

  10. my first comment, at 12:20, got my name right…..

    the second, at 12:38, got the “anonymous” treatment….

    third comment, at 12:43, got correctly attributed to me…..

    WTF is going on here?

    let’s see if this is chuckie commenting, or “anonymous”

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