On #HolocaustMemorialDay Kamala Harris compares Muslim refugees to Anne Frank – IOTW Report

On #HolocaustMemorialDay Kamala Harris compares Muslim refugees to Anne Frank

Pacific Pundit: Even on a day as solemn a today with Holocaust Memorial Day, the Democrats can’t go without using the day as a prop for them to push amnesty for millions of illegal alien Muslim “refugees.” This is what Harris tweeted earlier today that got my blood boiling:

22 Comments on On #HolocaustMemorialDay Kamala Harris compares Muslim refugees to Anne Frank

  1. Kamala Harris’ parents were not American and she was raised in Canada, and then in Berkeley.
    There is little she shares in common with your average American.
    She is why even the high functioning immigrants from shitholes must be excluded from America.

  2. Ha! She assumes that we’re as dumb as the rest of the sheep on the left, the Nazis were allied with Islam during WW2 amd used them to implement the “final solution”. Hitler himself bemoaned the fact that they were turned back by Jans Sobieski because islam was “a true warriors’ religion” worthy of the Nazis. Islam and Naziism (or any socialist garbage)is equally evil and muderous. A pox on this lying bint’s house.

  3. It’s always been a mystery to me how opportunistic scum like this manage to slither their way into office.
    I wish we could return to literacy tests before granting voting privileges.

  4. Oh, yeah … I remember … Anne Frank was trying to leave Holland for the tender mercies of Auschwitz!

    Yeah … she was a “refugee.”

    Illegal-alien invading rat-people are NOT refugees. They are NOT seeking “refuge” from the storm. They are bringing the storm with them, to unleash upon the kind-hearted simpletons who allow them entrance.

    Remember the old saw about the Vampire? You had to invite him into your house?
    It’s no coincidence that the Vampire legend grew out of the deprivations and fears of the Christians conquered by the musselmen in the Balkans.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If Kamala really thinks that, shouldn’t she be the engineer on the Underground Railroad to get them out of here before El Ultimo Solucion.

    Did Anne Frank sneak into Nazi Germany?

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