Once Credible “60 Minutes” All in on Conspiracy of Russian Mind Confusion Ray – IOTW Report

Once Credible “60 Minutes” All in on Conspiracy of Russian Mind Confusion Ray


We regret to inform you that our intel community and the media are at it again, trying to convince us that there’s a “Dr. Evil” type of bad guy just chilling in Russia with a secret way to infiltrate brainwaves and neutralize our top-performing intel agents. More

The 60 Minutes Story Here

12 Comments on Once Credible “60 Minutes” All in on Conspiracy of Russian Mind Confusion Ray

  1. Heretic, Russia may indeed have a mind-control ray, but they like our retarded intel assets just the way they are. No need to risk making them competent with a mind-ray.

  2. Russian Mind Rays have been a huge story since around 1956. Sputnik was an orbiting Mind Ray station beaming mostly down to Hollywood. Kruschev said: Control the movie industry and you control America. They turned Hollywood into Pervert Central. They turned Rock Hudson from a normal guy into a pervert. Them’s the facts, Ma’am.

  3. This is the same CBS that staged the fake GM pickup truck fuel tank fires?

    The same CBS whose Walter Cronkite who lied about the results of the Tet Offensive?

    Thought so.

  4. Dateline long ago was a newsish show, always leftish, got shoved all the way into true crime bullshit to stay on the air. Looks like sixty minutes is heading out in the same kind of direction.

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