Rob Lowe Remembers Some Lines From the West Wing
He tweeted out this clip, right @ BERNIE SANDERS.
He tweeted out this clip, right @ BERNIE SANDERS.
Cruz takes direct aim at Trump in order to win Iowa. ht/ just the tip
They start them off young, don’t they? The man has been arrested ht/The Big Owe
In a proposed rule, circulated yesterday, the Department of Labor is seeking to update the 2014 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act that funds job training. The proposal will add gender [Read More]
Joseph Fiennes will play Michael Jackson in a bizarre film. Legend has it that Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson were all 500 miles from Los Angeles when planes [Read More]
I’m telling you right now, I’d still lose to this guy in a heads-up tournament. Story here
In an answer to the question, “What ever happened too…” the Dixie Chicks will be touring this Summer. Natalie Maines recently tweeted that she’s “ashamed Ted Cruz claims to be [Read More]
Michelle Malkin As I noted on Twitter this afternoon, the Fox News/Google GOP debate tomorrow will feature three YouTube “stars” who will have the special privilege of asking questions of the [Read More]
Merkel responds that she is ensuring that Germans have a good future. The idiots in the room erupt in applause. The professor is now faced with possible ruination. YouTube- A Professor has [Read More]
Any day now……. a n y d a [Read More]
**Eyewitness accounts are differing in the LaVoy Finicum shooting. HT/ Tsunami *Ammon Bundy’s bodyguard says Finicum charged the police. **I used the term “eyewitness” much too liberally in regards to [Read More]
WaTimes: Illegal immigrant women being detained at a California jail say they are being “humiliated” by strip-searches, particularly in cases involving transgender detainees, and have filed a complaint demanding federal [Read More]
Megyn Kelly’s guest last night was none other than Michael Moore. Moore bashed Trump while Megyn Kelly faux excused that he wasn’t brought on her show to do that.
A 58 year-old Detroit man lost control of his Toyota and was partially ejected out of his sun roof, pantless. He died at the scene. Police pieced together the evidence [Read More]
ROK: In recent times, Twitter founder and current CEO Jack Dorsey has fully embraced the social justice warrior narrative and clamped down on free speech that hurts progressives’ fragile feelings. [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.