America Does Not Have a Gun Problem – We Have a Thug Problem
Remove a certain demographic from the statistics and America has no more “gun problem.” Does it make sense to
Remove a certain demographic from the statistics and America has no more “gun problem.” Does it make sense to
Too many folks on our side fall for the Left’s campaign to eliminate them from the battle forever by branding them toxic and unelectable. CandaFreePress: Around 2009, a Nevadan Christian [Read More]
Protestors marched in the streets of Hong Kong today calling attention to the five missing people associated with a book publisher known for printing books critical of the Communist regime. Other [Read More]
MEET THE TRUMP RALLY DISRUPTORS Breitbart- Rose Hamid is not simply a “flight attendant,” but is also an Islamic activist who apologizes for Palestinian terrorism and promotes radical Imams. As [Read More]
Ushanka: She posted the photo above, and these comments, on FB: I am a Chinese immigrant and an American citizen by choice. I once was a slave before and I [Read More]
She was only kicked out because she DISRUPTED the rally. Can’t you see the difference? No. No you can’t.
Breitbart: Governor Jerry Brown shocked Sacramento on January 8 when he announced his opposition to two November union-backed ballot initiatives that would sell a $9 billion school construction bond and [Read More]
You guys can have the fun being the headline writer. I was going to do a “what’d he do?” with this story, but I can’t find a picture of the [Read More]
He’ll use any opportunity to get some back-door action. BigGovernment: The Obama Administration’s new Countering Violent Extremism Task Force is an effort to coerce Silicon Valley tech companies to cooperate [Read More]
Independent Sentinel: Obama has allowed the conditional release of any extremely dangerous GITMO detainee and you won’t believe the reasons why. He’s “more open”, he is “reconsidering” his crazy ideology, [Read More]
FOX News: The Department of Veterans Affairs said Friday two high-ranking officials were finally demoted in response to a federal probe that found they manipulated the agency’s personnel system for [Read More]– By BI: It’s nearly impossible to get actual numbers, but conservative estimates report that at least 50% and upwards of 90% of NYC cab drivers are from South Asian [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.