IOTW Report – Page 6994


Monday, 30 November 2015, 6:30 BFH 15

Book claims Bill Clinton tried to force himself on Jackie Kennedy Onassis Bill Clinton (left) once tried to seduce Jacqueline Kennedy (right) at her New York apartment despite the 17-year [Read More]

Korean Guys React To…

Sunday, 29 November 2015, 23:59 BFH 4

The video is (cowardly) mislabeled. It’s Korean guys reacting to a black guy in porn, not just “an American.” This is racist, no? And where’s the Korean GALS react to [Read More]

Have you heard of them?

Sunday, 29 November 2015, 23:32 BFH 1

Currently the #1 golfer in the world Prime Minister of Australia Pop singer Boxer Children’s Book Author/Illustrator Israeli Model/Actress/Businesswoman Blogger (Instapundit) Former 7′ 6″ Chinese basketball player Mexican communist painter [Read More]

McCain Weighs in on Trump

Sunday, 29 November 2015, 23:00 BFH 28

Sitting side by side with his girlfriend, Graham Cracker, McCain says that Trump is turning peaceful Muslims, which is 99.999.44.3/5ths of them, around the globe against the U.S. If saying [Read More]

“Temporary” Taxes Forever

Sunday, 29 November 2015, 22:00 MJA 4

CPR: Nothing is so permanent as a temporary tax. In California, the state’s most powerful public-employee lobbies are preparing two initiatives for the November 2016 ballot that would either extend [Read More]

How To Confound a Muslim

Sunday, 29 November 2015, 21:00 Dr. Tar 16

Ravi Zacharia, gives a 42 minute lecture on the illogic of Islam when held up next to Christianity.  At the 25:11 mark he tells a story of how to explain [Read More]


Sunday, 29 November 2015, 20:00 BFH 5

ht/ WillysGoatGruff

Jim Jones/Bernie Sanders

Sunday, 29 November 2015, 18:00 BFH 6

“I love socialism, and I’d be willing to die to bring it about, but if I did, I’d take a thousand with me.” Jim Jones,  September 6, 1975

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