What in Allah’s Bathroom Does This Have To Do With Anything?
Menderman sends this in. It’s some Muslim dude with a sign saying he’s labeled a terrorist. “I trust you, do you trust me? Give me a hug.” He’s blindfolded. Morons [Read More]
Menderman sends this in. It’s some Muslim dude with a sign saying he’s labeled a terrorist. “I trust you, do you trust me? Give me a hug.” He’s blindfolded. Morons [Read More]
BigGovernment: Does Former Florida governor Jeb Bush think that the United States should “pause” the influx of more Syrian refugees or does he think that Americans should remain open to accepting them? [Read More]
Kim Norton- Minnesota Representative from House District-25B Wait until you see this twitter exchange. THIS IS AN ELECTED POLITICIAN!!!!! HT/ Just the Tip
Wild Bill asks, “what will we do to our politicians if their is an attack on our soil at the hands of a politically sponsored refugee?” ht/ tsunami
We ran this once before, but we need to run it again. If this isn’t a wake up call I don’t know what is. Ht/ Magnum
When Trump purchased and rebuilt Mar-A-Lago, the grand mansion and estate in Palm Beach, Florida, he got into a dispute with the city fathers who are well known for being [Read More]
Mission Accomplished. WFB- CIA Director John Brennan has admitted that the Islamic State terror group has grown by around 4,400 percent during President Barack Obama’s tenure in office, according to [Read More]
WashingtonTimes: Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton is losing by double-digits to all leading GOP contenders in Colorado, said a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.
Loretta Lynch concluded, after admitting she didn’t read the congressional reports, that Lois Lerner committed a common workplace error and there was no criminal intent. Case closed. NRO- Issa read Lynch [Read More]
Sources have told the Washington Times that FBI director, James Comey, is putting on a brave face for the public but is secretly worried that we are losing ground to [Read More]
To paraphrase Oblather, “How is Hillary going to stare down Putin if she falls to pieces about a comedy routine?” I watched the video. One makes fun of her pants [Read More]
Breitbart: French President Francois Hollande says that, despite the terrorist attacks in Paris that killed more than 120 people, “life must go on” and that his nation will still accept [Read More]
Hundreds of African American students and faculty members rallied against perceived racism at Purdue University this past weekend, holding signs and chanting things such as “Hey, hey, ho, ho, racism [Read More]
Washington times: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas on Wednesday invited President Obama to come back from overseas and insult him to his face, and challenged Mr. Obama to a debate [Read More]
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