Hump Day!
h/t Jack
Man Catches Bus
NBC philadelphia– Police are interviewing a bus driver they believe was involved in a deadly hit-and-run that happened only steps from police headquarters in Center City Philadelphia Tuesday. The incident [Read More]
Jimmy Carter Fighting Way Past the Ezekiel Emanuel Recommended Time on Earth
Let it go Jimmeh, for the good of your party. You’re wasting precious resources. Daily Caller Former President Jimmy Carter revealed Wednesday he has cancer that has spread throughout his [Read More]
Endangered Species Condoms
The Center for Biological Diversity is handing out condoms to college students this year with a message begging them to be careful and not overpopulate the planet any further.
Walker’s new strategy: Attack Hillary Clinton
WaExaminer- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s stump speech has been described as one he can deliver in his sleep. But as Walker’s poll number’s begin toslip, the governor’s message has a [Read More]
Did Sweden Lose Some Citizens To Muslims in Ikea Knife Attack?
Bare Naked Islam has a photo that they maintain shows a beheading. I’m not emphatic on this one. What do you think? Stronger evidence that this was a Muslim attack [Read More]
Fast and Furious: Guilty Plea in Brian Terry Murder
Sharyl Attkisson: One of the suspects accused in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has plead guilty to first degree murder charges. Under the plea deal, Rosario Rafael [Read More]
Debate Over Using Aborted Baby Parts in Wisconsin
Members of Wisconsin’s legislature are moving forward with a new bill that would make it illegal to use the remains of aborted babies for research. Abby Johnson, former director of [Read More]
AWD: Dear Republican Establishment: In the book Atlas Shrugged (you won’t like how it ends), copper magnate Francisco D’Anconia finally grew tired of suffocating governmental regulations, controls, taxes, etc that [Read More]
ICYMI: Sharpton Astounded Rand Paul Thinks People Who Work Harder Earn More
Newsbusters- In the liberal universe, there’s no correlation between hard work or ingenuity and financial success. As President Obama recently put it, the rich are simply “society’s lottery winners.“
Residents want straight answers on water supply after EPA’s toxic spill
NYP- ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Townspeople watching millions of gallons of orange-colored mine waste flow through their communities demanded clarity Tuesday about possible long-term threats to their water supply.
Cliven Bundy inspiring push to let states control federal land
WaExam: Groups that take their ideological cues from Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy have been linked to legislation in 11 Western states that aim to turn over federal lands to the [Read More]
A Piece of the Action
The Center for Medical Progress has released their latest video featuring former Planned Parenthood employee, Holly O’Donnell who describes the procurement process of aborted baby body parts. As a “procurement [Read More]
The Dumbest and Most Dangerous College Professors
I was happy to see The Daily Caller include on their list a moron we highlighted this past year. The douche above is Adam Kotsko, a punchable face that thinks [Read More]