University Bans Fake Dreadlocks and Native American Hairstyles
College Insurrection: There’s no end to the things you’re not allowed to do on college campuses. National Post reports:
College Insurrection: There’s no end to the things you’re not allowed to do on college campuses. National Post reports:
martha stewart
Trump talks about specific policy, without the circus atmosphere. Good find by Bad Brad.
Everybody was back in New Orleans this week to recognize the 10 year Anniversary of government failure along multiple dimensions. Obama was there touting his agenda, “W” spoke on one of the [Read More]
Colin Quinn’s Take on The Constitution Quinn straddles the center. Some of it will be funny. Some of it will be aggravating. (Language alert) Part 1 [Read More]
Lifted from Rando’s post in the Bullpen Click for video
We’ve been told that the previous POS that we posted was the wrong POS. Here is the correct POS —-> Shannon J. Miles I thought the previous POS looked a little [Read More]
It’s one thing to protect the Great Lakes from diversion that would drain nature’s wonder away forever. It’s another thing to use access to its water for a social justice [Read More]
ScooterVanNeuter- Okay, everyone knows that I’ve been looking for a new job – one that will allow me to execute my personal mission statement – “To productively and efficiently utilize [Read More]
Atheist Called Ben Carson a “Moron” for Believing in God… He Shut Him Down in 1 Brilliant Line From the Conservative Tribune
There’s just no pleasing some people. They’ve been trying for years to get us to give up our sugary juice and soda. Now they’re mad because we’re switching to bottled water [Read More]
MadWorldNews– Detroit has been a hot bed of violence since a socialistic style collapse leveled the city years ago. Decades of Democrat control had a stranglehold on the city, and [Read More]
NYP– The Virginia gunman who executed two of his former colleagues on live television associated himself with the 9/11 attackers in rambling letters found inside his home and getaway car, [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.