With the signing of the 2 year budget yesterday by Governor Scott Walker (WI-R), The University of Wisconsin system will now have to make due with $250 million less. Of [Read More]
With the signing of the 2 year budget yesterday by Governor Scott Walker (WI-R), The University of Wisconsin system will now have to make due with $250 million less. Of [Read More]
The Tower: VIENNA–A range of Austrian human rights and foreign policy groups came together in Vienna over the weekend to protest genocidal Iranian anti-Semitism, holding a rally in response to [Read More]
Shoebat– The famous (and infamous) ISIS song writer, Maher Mash’al (ISIS codename Abu Zubeir Al-Qasimi), who was also one of the most famous Islamic song writers in Saudi Arabia has just [Read More]
Well, someone has to. The Daily Mail Sylvester Stallone reveals iconic movie hero will fight terrorists in Syria and Iraq in final movie Last Blood. Read More
LegalInsurrection- The Obama EPA’s “Waters of the U. S.” power grab has come under a lot of scrutiny and resistance, and rightly so. In addition to citizen outrage and push [Read More]
If we’re going to be hypersensitive to displays that are potentially demeaning, how is THIS CHANT NOT DEMEANING? You might as well call the team the Atlanta Chinamen and play [Read More]
Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder announced his campaign for Governor Sunday in Ferguson, Missouri. Many local minority business owners came out for the event. More at Gateway Pundit.
Pamela Geller – The Egyptian government can acknowledge that violent and seditious activity can be and is plotted in mosques. The U.S. government refuses even to acknowledge that as a [Read More]
How many flip-flops does one allow a candidate before you start to question the individuals seriousness, much less core values? Is Trump simply evolving, devolving, or is he exploiting the [Read More]
Democratic senator Bob Menendez ripped the Iran deal in an interview on ABC:
Walker officially announces that he is running for president. He sounds like Reagan campaigning in the wake of the Jimmy Carter years. I do believe if Obama wasn’t black the report [Read More]
Gilmore endorsed an award given to Jamal Barzinji, an Islamist radical investigated for links to Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
A gas station and fuel supplier in Stanley, Wisconsin, is not shy about being a supporter of the Second Amendment, as shown by the sign on the door. The pictures [Read More]
Even Obamacare fans have to admit the law has failed to stop skyrocketing premiums. http://t.co/kNqUPeKQ8x pic.twitter.com/hHyWYnJnTf — Slate (@Slate) July 12, 2015 Welcome to the party, pal.
UPDATE: This is a better back story in Visner’s own words. Go To the 6 minute mark. Back Story – In short, the guy entered into some sort of land deal [Read More]
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