Powerline– Earlier today, Ted Cruz spoke to a rally protesting the administration’s Iran deal. Representatives of Code Pink and other radical groups, representing the establishment, crashed the rally and tried [Read More]
Powerline– Earlier today, Ted Cruz spoke to a rally protesting the administration’s Iran deal. Representatives of Code Pink and other radical groups, representing the establishment, crashed the rally and tried [Read More]
SteynOnline- We are cursed, as the Chinese say, to live in “interesting times”, about which there is much to say – the Iran deal, for example, or the Allaku Akbar [Read More]
WeeklyStandard- New York assemblyman, Dov Hikind, a Democrat, was arrested outside Senator Chuck Schumer’s office while protesting the Iran nuclear deal. The Israeli news outlet Arutz Sheva has video: “We [Read More]
Pays Staff Only $12. MRCtv– Senator, presidential candidate, and self-described socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) today introduced a bill that would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. In his [Read More]
.@HillaryClinton: I'm not asking ppl to vote for me bc I'm a woman. Vote "on the merits. And I think one of the merits is, I am a woman." — [Read More]
TheWellArmedWoman– I was once told I was an extremist for carrying concealed; nothing was going to ever happen, and, what on earth could I possibly fear anyway? My answer to [Read More]
Black Activists start digging up Civil War general. TheAmericanMirror – A group of anti-Confederate protesters aren’t happy enough with the declaration by the city of Memphis that it wants to [Read More]
His ratings were lower than Test Pattern. StoryEd Schultz Shooting the Sh@t
Chicago is charging anyone who streams anything whatsoever on digital hardware a 9% “amusement tax.” It’s old school taxes on new school technology. I hope this resonates with the stupid [Read More]
I hate people. I hate people because they are stupid. What’s the latest stupidity to sweep this nation of abject morons? Sandra Bland was dead in her mugshot. Yep, these [Read More]
A number of animal rights group objected to the annual St. Patrick’s pig wrestle in Stephenville, WI. (or what Obama calls, date night with Michelle). So the parish canceled the event [Read More]
Shark sighting clears Long Island beaches. Swimmers at two Long Island beaches got some real-life “Jaws” thrills Thursday when two sharks were seen swimming nearby, according to reports.
I don’t care how many of these a-holes shoot places up, they aren’t getting our guns. CNN- 11:02 p.m.: According to authorities, the updated count from the theater shooting: 3 [Read More]
WSJ- Not so long ago, the average American man in his 20s had achieved most of the milestones of adulthood: a high-school diploma, financial independence, marriage and children. Today, most [Read More]
Click Donald for some video of him in action. Okay, so where was I before I left to buy a skyscraper? Oh yeah, I was telling it like it is. [Read More]
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