IOTW Report – Page 7307


Friday, 1 May 2015, 0:42 BFH 0

What do you think this paratrooper did that makes him a jerk?


Friday, 1 May 2015, 0:15 Cardigan 0

CanadaFreePress: Imagine that you are the former Governor of Virginia, Robert F. McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, both sitting in jail after having been found guilty last year of public [Read More] Gets a Makeover

Friday, 3 April 2015, 19:15 Dr. Tar 0

After the redesign of by the Treasury Department, they have made the website (one that is supposed to disclose all federal funds) harder to use and less accessible. More  Which is a [Read More]

The 27 Club

Friday, 3 April 2015, 17:45 Dr. Tar 0

Inhabited by creative, talented and popular people, the 27 Club is one nobody wants to join. There is a popular (if not morbid) notion that the age of 27 is particularly [Read More]

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