How can this be? Detroit schools have Zero Tolerance!!!
CBS Detroit— Teen In ICU After Fight Over Shoes At Detroit Charter School DETROIT (WWJ) – Detroit police say a 16-year-old is clinging to life after getting being attacked by a [Read More]
Ebola-carrying bats- heroes / villains
Yahoo— LONDON (Reuters) – Bats are living up to their frightening reputation in the world’s worst Ebola outbreak as prime suspects for spreading the deadly virus to humans, but scientists [Read More]
Who Dat?
It's Her
Judge Judy
Singer finds spider living in ear
LV RJ: Think having a spider crawl in your ear is an urban legend?
Coulter Says Tea Party Damages Republicans
Coulter is right. She’s admitted that Republicans are a breed apart from conservatives… a useless breed. Dem-lite. Coulter is good for a laugh every once in awhile. She’ll turn a good phrase [Read More]
39% or lower
Big Government: OBAMA’S APPROVAL RATING BELOW 40 PERCENT IN 10 STATES At least nine other states approve of President Barack Obama at the same or lower rate as Louisiana.
More Ebola As More People Fly Freely Into America From Ebolaland
conservative treehouse “….A male patient, age unknown, was transported today to Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, and is being tested this evening for Ebola virus infection. The [Read More]
'They have only chosen her to rub our noses in it.'
International Intrigue – This woman was named Russia’s top natural beauty, but somehow it’s an insult concocted by one government to either insult or make the other government jealous. I’m [Read More]
*eye roll* Breitbart: On “Fox News Sunday, former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) said a Republican-led Senate would pass new, stronger legislation on immigration reform.
ISIS Grows in Pockistahn
Doug Ross- While Obama golfs, campaigns, and blames others, ISIS quietly grows in nuclear-armed Pakistan.
Candidate Michelle Nunn Refuses To Talk To Fox News
De Blasio is a superb mayor, says taxpayer-funded YouTube videos
NYPost–– Someone tell Bill de Blasio he won the election. The mayor’s taxpayer-funded p.r. machine has spit out 250 YouTube videos since he took office — including some slickly produced [Read More]
Video of Sharyl Attkisson’s Commandeered Computer
Moonbattery– No wonder there are so few genuine journalists like Sharyl Attkisson left in a field that has come to be dominated by servile political apparatchiks. Here is what happens [Read More]