Pat Buchanan Asks, “Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?” – IOTW Report

Pat Buchanan Asks, “Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?”

Town Hall

The startling number here: There were nearly 3,000 more Black victims who wound up dead in America from criminal violence than there were white victims, though Blacks, at 12-13% of the U.S. population, are only one-fifth the size of the white population.

Translation: Black Americans are being shot, stabbed and beaten to death at a rate six to seven times that of whites. And by the end of this year, well over 10,000 Blacks will have been made the victims of homicide in America.

That figure breaks down to roughly 200 Black folks dead every single week in this country from gunshot wounds and other criminal violence — a weekly death toll that rivals U.S. losses in Vietnam at the height of the war.

The question unanswered and unasked in the Times’ and Post’s stories is: Who is doing this? Who is killing all these Black people? More

26 Comments on Pat Buchanan Asks, “Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?”

  1. “Blacks, at 12-13% of the U.S. population, are only one-fifth the size of the white population.

    Translation: Black Americans are being shot, stabbed and beaten to death at a rate six to seven times that of whites.”

    Not quite. It’s more like 3%. Black males between 18-40 years old.

    3/50 is the magic formula, 3% do 50%.

    The solution to lower this crime, let more of them stream across the border from Haiti, of course! Soon it’ll be 4/75. When that happens the rhetoric against white males will be amped up past 11 because white males are definitely the problem.

  2. Wait, the black population is only 1/5th that of the white population?? I call bullshit! Just flip on the TV or go to the movies; 75-80% of the people you see are black. Sports? more like 90%.

  3. Yet Buchanan doesn’t dare put in print that blacks are killing blacks. He only intimates it.
    Whereas Candace Owens and Officer Tatum and other black conservatives do say it out loud.
    They are immediately called names but none of the name calling racist leftists disputes the facts they point out.

  4. Maybe we’re looking at this the wrong way. Maybe we need to amp up the murder of whites. Equal violence means equal justice, right?

    We can make it easy on ourselves and start where the gun laws are the strictest. Have a purge once a quarter or annually with licenses and permits handed out by local authorities.

    May that would act as an incentive to bring down the murder rates in the black communities in these municipalities. A win-win for everyone.

  5. Been that way for (at least) 50 years.
    When I was in High School (grad. 1971) the leading cause of death of negro males between the ages of 15 and 36 was MURDER.

    Same as it ever was … same as it ever was …

    Basically, if a problem persists for 50 years, nobody wants a solution.
    (the deplorable state of public education, for another instance)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Of course there are parts of this country where blacks killing blacks is not happening. Why? Because there aren’t any blacks.

    Are there many people here that would live on the south side of Chicago? I’d venture an answer of no. But there sure are a lot of people that live just north of I-55, the once defacto dividing line in metro Chicago.

    Now there are plenty of blacks shooting & robbing people, committing home invasions, assaulting and car jacking north of I-55. gee, blacks, with their propensity for irrational behavior & violence, are expanding their hunting grounds. Knock me over with a feather.

    Fact is if you live anywhere, ANYWHERE, where there’s more than an infrequent, and I mean like once or twice a month, sighting of a black person, you are literally throwing the dice every day. There’s plenty of white & brown assholes, why vastly increase your chances of mayhem by living with or even near blacks?

    My Give-A-Fuck Meter is pegged at zero. I don’t take any comfort that 1,000s of them die every year in cities but tough shit. My rules are avoid them all the time. Don’t live anywhere where they do.

    The biggest difference I’ve seen since living here on the Peninsula versus n AR, central MO or w Texas is that TPTB in those last 3 AOs aren’t going to come down on you for defending yourself. I get a whole ‘nother vibe in WA.

  7. One year,1968 the year of Tet and the Battle of Hue, saw 16,000 deaths in Vietnam. Years 1967 and 1969 saw 10K and 11K deaths respectively. All other years were much less deadly

    And seeing as how black deaths in Nam were almost perfectly proportional to the their population* total black deaths in Nam were about 7000. Thats about the same total as the INCREASE in black deaths since 2014 due to the Ferguson effect and the Saint George of The Holy Fentanyl effect

    *(Which means the charge that blacks died disproportionately in Nam is total horseshit)

  8. The question is not who is killing blacks, but rather, WHAT is killing blacks. Statistics show that approximately 50-60 percent of black households do not have a father to guide mentor or discipline the chirldren. And I’ll bet that figure is actually higher.

    Without a father in their lives, black male children are most likely to turn to gangs for support, affirmation and protection. Since most of the gangs in the hood are black, the answer to the “who” question is self-evident. Thug life – with the help of media glorification – produces violent criminals. What do violent criminals do? They commit violent crimes. Add to the cultural mix that blacks tend to be very volatile, and you have a fertile environment for murder.

    So thus you have 50-60% fatherless black households, and 50% of the total murder victims are black. There is a correlation.

  9. Africans really don’t have to live in this so-called systemic racist country but not many of them are leaving and thousands more are pouring in! What hypocrites they are!

  10. “Just flip on the TV or go to the movies; 75-80% of the people you see are black.”

    Tony R, my theory is that those who watch TV the most determine who is to be watched on TV.

  11. The Super Bowl is already planning yet another Afro-centric, borderline-porno halftime show to cater to those in our society who matter. The twerking will be off the scale for this one. Yet another reason the NFL has been dead to me for decades.

  12. Of all the blacks who have been murdered in this country over the last few decades, I nor anyone I have ever known committed a single one of those murders. I’m sick of being blamed for the lawlessness of others.


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